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The Aristotelian Philosophy of the Martial Arts




Aristotle’s approach to ethics is proposed as a useful way to understand the role that the martial arts play in the life of the martial artist. Neo-Aristotelian philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre, in his classic work After Virtue, introduces the concept of a eudaimonic practice, a form of social activity in which pursuing excellence in the practice results in the practitioner also becoming a better person. It is argued that the martial arts can best be described as such a practice. This approach reconciles a broad range of divergent perspectives on the martial arts, and coherently describes how training as a martial artist can contribute to high levels of functioning in one’s relationships and social roles, connecting the martial arts to the overall process of becoming a morally-excellent human being through growth in the virtues.
机译:提出了亚里士多德的伦理学方法,是一种了解武术在武术家生活中所扮演角色的有用方法。新亚里士多德哲学家阿拉斯泰尔·麦金太尔(Alasdair MacIntyre)在他的经典著作《美德》(After Virtue)中引入了eudaimonic实践的概念,这是一种社交活动形式,在实践中追求卓越不仅使执业者变得更好。有人认为,武术可以最好地描述为这种习俗。这种方法调和了人们对武术的广泛分歧,并连贯地描述了作为一名武术艺术家的训练如何可以促进人际关系和社会角色的高水平运作,将武术与成为道德的整体过程联系起来。通过美德的发展成为优秀的人。



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