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Report on the First International Symposium Science in Judo (ISSJ)




This report resumes the First International Symposium Science in Judo (ISSJ), organized by the Department of Health Psychology, Miguel Hernández University, Elche (Spain), and held from October 12 to 14 h , 2017. During this symposium some of the most relevant research projects related to judo as a sport were presented. There were a wide variety of topics, including biomechanics of technique, health, psychology, nutrition, sport training, education and future prospects. Five plenary sessions, six mini-sessions, one panel discussion and two workshops on tatami were developed. The symposium was an event where important national and international researchers participated. It was intended for groups related to judo, such as Sports Sciences students, judo coaches and high level judo athletes. More than 70 people participated in the symposium whose main aim was to provide scientific evidence on judo to judo professionals.
机译:本报告恢复了由埃尔切(西班牙)的米格尔·埃尔南德斯大学健康心理学系于2017年10月12日至14日举行的第一届柔道国际学术研讨会(ISSJ)。在本次研讨会期间,一些最相关的提出了与柔道运动有关的研究项目。有各种各样的主题,包括技术的生物力学,健康,心理学,营养,运动训练,教育和未来前景。举行了五次全体会议,六次小型会议,一次小组讨论和两次关于榻榻米的讲习班。这次研讨会是重要的国家和国际研究人员参加的活动。它适用于与柔道相关的团体,例如体育科学系学生,柔道教练和高级柔道运动员。 70多人参加了这次研讨会,其主要目的是为柔道专业人士提供有关柔道的科学证据。



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