首页> 外文期刊>Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento >Comparison of video demonstrations and bedside tutorials for teaching paediatric clinical skills to large groups of medical students in resource-constrained settings

Comparison of video demonstrations and bedside tutorials for teaching paediatric clinical skills to large groups of medical students in resource-constrained settings




Videos are increasingly being used for teaching clinical skills in medical education. However, most reports on the effectiveness and benefits of videos in medical teaching have come from developed countries. Resource constraints in South African academic hospitals, together with increasing numbers, may apply pressure on the standard of clinical teaching. This study investigated the potential for using video demonstrations to replace the bedside teaching of introductory paediatric clinical examination skills to large groups of medical students. Sixty medical students were randomised to an experimental group that watched a video of a paediatric abdominal examination or to a control group that received a bedside tutorial on the same topic. Immediately afterwards, experienced assessors observed and scored the students in a clinical examination. Data were analysed for the non-inferiority of the video group scores within a 10% margin of the bedside group. Students’ and clinician educators’ perceptions of the two teaching methods and their views on how video instruction could be integrated into the clinical teaching programme were explored. Qualitative data were analysed thematically. The video teaching was non-inferior to the bedside teaching within the 10% margin and did not significantly affect the pass/fail or distinction rates. Students and clinician educators suggested that the videos be used for teaching basic concepts, allowing bedside tutorials to focus on applied learning. The findings have important implications for using video demonstrations to supplement the teaching of clinical skills to large groups of medical students across multiple variably-resourced settings.
机译:视频越来越多地用于教授医学教育中的临床技能。但是,有关视频在医学教学中的有效性和益处的大多数报告都来自发达国家。南非学术医院的资源限制以及数量的增加,可能会给临床教学标准带来压力。这项研究调查了使用视频演示代替大批医学生进行小儿临床临床检查技巧床边教学的潜力。 60名医学生被随机分为一个实验组和一个对照组,该实验组观看了儿科腹部检查的视频,而对照组则接受了同一主题的床旁指导。此后,经验丰富的评估人员立即在临床检查中观察了学生并给学生打分。对数据进行分析,以评估床头组的10%范围内视频组得分的非劣质性。探索了学生和临床医生对这两种教学方法的看法,以及他们对如何将视频教学整合到临床教学计划中的观点。定性数据进行了专题分析。视频教学在床边教学的10%范围内并不逊色,并且不会显着影响通过/失败或区别率。学生和临床医生建议将这些视频用于教授基本概念,从而使床旁教程可以侧重于应用学习。该发现对使用视频演示补充跨多种资源来源的大批医学生的临床技能教学具有重要意义。



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