首页> 外文期刊>Revista da Associao Médica Brasileira >Expansion of morbidity: trends in healthy life expectancy of the elderly population

Expansion of morbidity: trends in healthy life expectancy of the elderly population




Objective: to analyze the changes in life expectancy (LE) and disability-free life expectancy (DFLE) in São Paulo's elderly population to assess the occurrence of compression or expansion of morbidity, between 2000 and 2010. Methods: cross-sectional and population survey, based on official data for the city of São Paulo, Brazil, and data obtained from the Health, Well-Being and Aging Survey (SABE). Functional disability was defined as difficulty in performing at least one basic activity of daily living. The Sullivan method was used to calculate LE and DFLE for the years 2000 to 2010. Results: from 2000 to 2010, there was an increase in disabled life expectancy (DLE) in all age groups and both sexes. The proportion of years of life free of disability, at 60 years of age, decreased from 57.94% to 46.23% in women, and from 75.34% to 63.65% in men. At 75 years of age, this ratio decreased from 47.55% to 34.54% in women, and from 61.31% to 56.01% in men. Conclusion: the expansion of morbidity is an ongoing process in the elderly population of the municipality of São Paulo, in the period of 2000-2010. These results can contribute to the development of preventive strategies and planning of adequate health services to future generations of seniors.
机译:目的:分析圣保罗老年人口的预期寿命(LE)和无残障预期寿命(DFLE)的变化,以评估2000年至2010年之间发病率压缩或扩大的情况。方法:横断面调查和人口调查,基于巴西圣保罗市的官方数据以及从健康,福祉和老龄化调查(SABE)获得的数据。功能障碍定义为难以执行至少一项日常基本活动。 Sullivan方法用于计算2000年至2010年的LE和DFLE。结果:从2000年至2010年,所有年龄段和男女的残障预期寿命(DLE)都有增加。妇女在60岁时无残疾的生命年比例从57.94%降至46.23%,男性从75.34%降至63.65%。在75岁时,女性的这一比例从47.55%降至34.54%,男性从61.31%降至56.01%。结论:在2000-2010年期间,圣保罗市老年人口的发病率不断增加。这些结果可有助于制定预防策略并为后代老年人规划适当的保健服务。



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