首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia >Dietary protein and energy requirements of juvenile freshwater angelfish

Dietary protein and energy requirements of juvenile freshwater angelfish




Dietary protein and energy requirements of juvenile freshwater angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) were evaluated. A 3 × 2 factorial design was used, with three dietary crude protein levels being tested (26, 30, and 34% of CP) combined with two digestible energy levels (3,100 and 3,300 kcal DE/kg of diet) in three replicates. Juveniles averaging 2.33 ± 0.26 g were reared in a 25L-aquarium with controlled temperature (26 ± 1oC), biological filter and stocking density of six fish/aquarium. Fish were fed ad libitum at 09:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. The following performance parameters were evaluated: final weight, final length, weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion ratio, specific growth rate, protein efficiency ratio and condition factor. Fish fed diets with 26% CP showed greater protein efficiency values when compared to those fed diets with 34% CP. Diets with 26% of CP and 3100 kcal DE/kg could meet the nutritional requirements of juvenile freshwater angelfish.
机译:评估了淡水神仙鱼(Pterophyllum scalare)的膳食蛋白质和能量需求。使用3×2析因设计,测试了三个饮食中的粗蛋白水平(CP的26%,30%和34%)和两个可消化的能量水平(3,100和3,300 kcal DE / kg饮食),一式三份。将平均2.33±0.26 g的幼鱼放在25 L的水族馆中,该水族馆的温度应控制在(26±1oC),采用生物过滤器,放养密度为6条鱼/水族馆。在上午09:00,下午2:00随意喂鱼。下午4:30评价了以下性能参数:最终重量,最终长度,增重,饲料采食量,饲料转化率,比生长速率,蛋白质效率比和条件因子。饲喂CP含量为26%的鱼,与饲喂CP含量为34%的鱼相比,蛋白质效率更高。 CP含量为26%,DE / kg为3100 kcal的日粮可以满足少年淡水神仙鱼的营养需求。



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