首页> 外文期刊>Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem >Validation of mapping of care actions prescribed for orthopedic patients onto the nursing interventions classification

Validation of mapping of care actions prescribed for orthopedic patients onto the nursing interventions classification




This study mapped the 52 nursing care actions prescribed for orthopedic patients onto Self-care Deficit: bathing and/or hygiene, Impaired Physical Mobility and Risk for Infection, according to the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC). The study was developed at a University Hospital in Porto Alegre, Brazil, using the Delphi Technique as the content validation method, considering a level of 70% of agreement among experts. Data were analyzed through descriptive statistics. Twenty-two experts validated the mapping of 51 nursing care actions onto 56 NIC interventions in two rounds. The objective was achieved because only one mapped care action did not reach the established level of agreement. None of the mapped care actions reached 100% consensus, which evidences the various possibilities of comparison and the importance of validation studies.
机译:这项研究根据护理干预分类(NIC),将针对骨科患者的52种护理措施划分为“自我护理缺陷”:洗澡和/或卫生,身体活动能力受损和感染风险。这项研究是在巴西阿雷格里港的一家大学医院开发的,使用了Delphi技术作为内容验证方法,并考虑了专家之间70%的同意水平。通过描述性统计分析数据。 22位专家分两轮验证了51种护理措施到56种NIC干预措施的映射。之所以达到这一目标,是因为只有一项规划的护理行动未达到既定的协议水平。所绘制的护理措施均未达到100%的共识,这证明了比较的各种可能性和验证研究的重要性。



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