首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Politicas Publicas >Aborto no Brasil atual: entre o direito e as políticas públicas

Aborto no Brasil atual: entre o direito e as políticas públicas




This paper analyzes the formulation process and the general consequences of two recent federal public policies on women’s health: the “stork network” (rede cegonha) (Ordinance n. 1.459/2011, Health Department) and the national system of registration and monitoring of pregnant and postpartum women (Provisional Executive Order n. 557). It is showed that such programs can only be understood as tools for the effectiveness of the criminal legal provision that forbids abortion. Based on this central hypothesis, it is explored the most sensitive effects of the implementation of such documents, both in terms of recognition of social identities and resources’ distribution. In this particular, the arguments developed allow to realize that the program’s structures reinforce the social inequality and exclusion, and also incorporate a social representation of the women as a human being without autonomy.
机译:本文分析了最近两项有关妇女健康的联邦公共政策的制定过程和一般后果:“鹳网络”(rede cegonha)(第n.459 / 2011号法令,卫生部)和国家孕妇登记和监测系统和产后妇女(第557号临时行政命令)。结果表明,此类方案只能被理解为禁止堕胎的刑法规定效力的工具。基于这一中心假设,从识别社会身份和资源分配的角度探讨了实施此类文档的最敏感影响。特别是,提出的论点使人们认识到,该计划的结构加剧了社会不平等和排斥现象,并且还纳入了妇女作为没有自主权的人的社会代表。



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