首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia >Valida??o de poluentes fotoquímicos e inclus?o do inventário de emiss?es no modelo de qualidade do ar WRF/CHEM, para a regi?o metropolitana de S?o Paulo

Valida??o de poluentes fotoquímicos e inclus?o do inventário de emiss?es no modelo de qualidade do ar WRF/CHEM, para a regi?o metropolitana de S?o Paulo

机译:验证圣保罗大都市区的光化学污染物并将排放清单包括在WRF / CHEM空气质量模型中



This paper shows the results of an approximation and transformation made on the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Region (SPMR) pollutant emission inventory, required to be used as input data on the WRF/Chem model ("Weather Research This paper shows the results of an approximation and transformation made on the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Region (SPMR) pollutant emission inventory, required to be used as input data on the WRF/Chem model ("Weather Research and Forecasting / CHEMistry"). Therefore, the purpose is to evaluate the efficiency of the WRF/Chem model to simulate photochemical pollutants on the SPMR, using as parameters the inclusion of the emission inventory and measurements of carbon monoxide (CO) and tropospheric ozone (O3) concentrations. The WRF/Chem is a forecast, weather climate and air quality model, which solves simultaneously the meteorology and chemistry modules. SPMR is considered one of the largest cities in the world, and like other big cities suffer with atmospheric pollution. Researches made in SPMR show that vehicles are the main sources of Carbon monoxide (CO), Hydrocarbon (HC) and Nitrogen oxide (NOx). When it comes to Sulphur oxides (SOx) and inhalable particles (PM10) the main sources of emission fundamentally are industries and vehicles. Another crucial factor is the resuspension of particles from the ground (soil) and the formation of secondary aerosols. A 2006 Companhia Ambiental do Estado de S?o Paulo (CETESB) inventory of emissions will be used as input data to the WRF/CHEM model. Since the annual CETESB inventory of emissions integrates the whole SPMR some approximation is required to match the model input data format. It was proposed some approximation methods in which the inventory of annual emissions was representatively distributed in time and space as required by the model. The results show that these methods improved the forecasting of the ozone (O3) and of CO concentration by approximately 25%, reaching a correlation coefficients of 0,79% for the ozone and 0,49% for carbon monoxide, when comparing simulations and observations.
机译:本文显示了对圣保罗大都市区(SPMR)污染物排放清单进行的近似和转换结果,需要将其用作WRF / Chem模型的输入数据(“天气研究”显示近似结果和根据圣保罗市大都市区(SPMR)污染物排放清单进行的转换,必须用作WRF / Chem模型的输入数据(“天气研究和预报/化学”),因此,目的是评估该项目的效率。 WRF / Chem模型用于模拟SPMR上的光化学污染物,其使用参数包括排放清单以及一氧化碳(CO)和对流层臭氧(O3)浓度的测量作为预报,天气气候和空气质量该模型同时解决了气象和化学模块问题,SPMR被认为是世界上最大的城市之一,与其他大城市一样,它受到大气污染。 SPMR的研究表明,车辆是一氧化碳(CO),碳氢化合物(HC)和氮氧化物(NOx)的主要来源。对于硫氧化物(SOx)和可吸入颗粒物(PM10),主要的排放源基本上是工业和车辆。另一个关键因素是来自地面(土壤)的颗粒重悬浮和二次气溶胶的形成。一份2006年圣保罗州环境公司(CETESB)的排放清单将用作WRF / CHEM模型的输入数据。由于CETESB的年度排放清单整合了整个SPMR,因此需要一些近似值才能匹配模型输入数据格式。提出了一些近似方法,其中年排放量的清单按照模型的要求在时间和空间上具有代表性。结果表明,与模拟和观测结果相比,这些方法将臭氧(O3)和CO浓度的预测值提高了约25%,臭氧的相关系数为0.79%,一氧化碳的相关系数为0.49% 。



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