首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia >Morpho-anatomical characters of Limonium brasiliense leaves

Morpho-anatomical characters of Limonium brasiliense leaves




Limonium brasiliense (Boiss.) Kuntze, Plumbaginaceae, is a coastal herb of the Southern Brazilian states and Rio de Janeiro State. In folk medicine, it is used in the treatment of female genitourinary tract infections and menstrual cycle irregularities. The aim of this study was to describe morpho-anatomical characters with details on venation pattern of L. brasiliense leaves, collected on the coast of Rio Grande do Sul State, in Southern Brazil. Leaf samples fixed in FAA50 (5% formaldehyde, 5% acetic acid and 90% ethanol: water mixture 50:50 v/v) and 1% glutaraldehyde and preserved in 70% ethanol, were histologically sectioned and analyzed by light and scanning electron microscopy. The L. brasiliense leaves were simple, entire, incomplete, oboval-lanceolate, venation penninervous and showed rosulated phyllotaxy, entire and revolute margin, with apex rounded to slightly retuse, base attenuate and venation pattern brochidodromous. On microscopic analysis, these leaves showed a thick and striated cuticle, salt glands, isobilateral mesophyll thicker in the apical region of the leaf blade, abundant aerenchyma in the petiole and main vein, collateral vascular bundles surrounded by fiber-sclereids, lipid substances in the cuticle and polyphenols in phloem cells.
机译:巴西利亚柠檬(Boiss。)昆茨(Puntbaginaceae),是巴西南部各州和里约热内卢州的沿海草药。在民间医学中,它用于治疗女性泌尿生殖道感染和月经不调。这项研究的目的是描述形态解剖特征,并详细介绍巴西南部南里奥格兰德州海岸收集的巴西乳杆菌叶的脉动模式。将叶片样品固定在FAA50(5%甲醛,5%乙酸和90%乙醇:水的混合物50:50 v / v)和1%戊二醛中,并保存在70%乙醇中,进行组织切片,并通过光学和扫描电子显微镜进行分析。巴西乳杆菌叶片简单,完整,不完整,倒卵形披针形,脉状脉状,并显示玫瑰状叶状,全缘和回旋缘,先端圆形到略微折回,基部渐弱,脉型为柔毛。经显微镜分析,这些叶片显示出一个厚而横纹的角质层,盐腺,在叶片的顶部区域的同侧双叶叶肉变厚,在叶柄和主静脉中有大量的气孔,由纤维硬化细胞包围的侧支血管束,在叶中的脂质物质。韧皮部细胞中的表皮和多酚。



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