首页> 外文期刊>Revista de la Sociedad Espanola del Dolor >Protocolo de analgesia epidural obstétrica en el contexto de la gestión innovadora de la asistencia y de los criterios de calidad y seguridad

Protocolo de analgesia epidural obstétrica en el contexto de la gestión innovadora de la asistencia y de los criterios de calidad y seguridad




ABSTRACT Obstetric epidural analgesia was introduced in our hospital (Hospital Comarcal de Antequera) shortly after its opening in the year 2000. Up to the year 2002 a protocol was designed and a coordinator for the different areas was nominated. The clinical management section of the surgical unit began to work in the year 2002 and it implies another way of working as follows : to take part in the comprehensive process of pregnancy-labour-postpartum period, and its relationship with the general practitioner and midwife follow-up. The obstetric activity has been marked by productivity aims, human resources and the workload implied by the obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia, necessary material resources, economic resources management, competencies map for all the staff and with the computerization we will obtain activity indicators with all the previous plus the statistical data. - We will show in this article all the quality and security criteria work out by the clinical management unit: clinical audit of the protocol, analgesia efficiency, patient satisfaction, dystocic deliveries analysis, walking epidural development, morbidity analysis from another protocol: regional techniques complications or side effects and detection, research and analysis of the critical incidents. - It is not enough to perform the technique; there is no doubt about it. The clinical management unit has worked out information mechanisms about what we do and the following corrections and improvements. That is the way to follow and it includes an adaptation period for the professionals. Professional satisfaction and economic motivation have been assigned by aims. The future challenge is how to negotiate the annual aims between the professionals and the managers.
机译:摘要产科硬膜外镇痛在我们医院(医院Comarcal de Antequera)于2000年开业后不久引入。直到2002年,设计了方案并指定了不同地区的协调员。外科部门的临床管理科于2002年开始工作,它暗示着另一种工作方式如下:参与妊娠-分娩-产后的综合过程,其与全科医生和助产士的关系如下: -向上。产科活动的特点是生产力目标,产科麻醉和镇痛所隐含的人力资源和工作量,必要的物质资源,经济资源管理,所有员工的能力图,并且通过计算机化,我们将获得以前所有活动的活动指标加上统计数据。 -我们将在本文中显示临床管理部门制定的所有质量和安全性标准:方案的临床审核,镇痛效率,患者满意度,难产分娩分析,硬膜外行走,另一方案的发病率分析:区域技术并发症或副作用以及关键事件的检测,研究和分析。 -进行这项技术还不够;这个毋庸置疑。临床管理部门已经制定出有关我们做什么以及以下更正和改进的信息机制。这是遵循的方法,其中包括专业人员的适应期。目标已确定了职业满意度和经济动机。未来的挑战是如何在专业人员和管理人员之间协商年度目标。



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