首页> 外文期刊>Research on Humanities and Social Sciences >Efficacy of Teaching Methods Applied by Social Studies Teachers to Develop Primary Level Student Social Values from North Ghor Education Directorate Social Studies Teachers’ Viewpoint

Efficacy of Teaching Methods Applied by Social Studies Teachers to Develop Primary Level Student Social Values from North Ghor Education Directorate Social Studies Teachers’ Viewpoint




This study aims to identify social studies teachers’ role in developing primary level students’ social values from North Ghor Education Directorate social studies teachers’ viewpoint. The study population was social studies teachers from North Ghor Education directorate numbering 67, while the study sample numbered 53. The study tool, a questionnaire, was distributed to the sample with 49 statistically eligible questionnaires retrieved. the study arrived at several results mainly: First, efficacy of teaching methods used by social studies teachers in developing patriotism, cooperation and sharing with others, dealing well with and respecting others, being helpful and a passion for learning were practiced at a moderate level. Second, Social values were in harmony with both Islamic culture alongside good customs that are commonly practiced at home resulting in social studies teachers’ behavior being in line with their upbringing and Jordanian environment which helped them to focus on developing cooperation and participation amongst students. Finally, the study recommended the necessity to reinforce teaching methods used by social studies teachers to develop patriotism, sharing, and cooperation, respecting others, dealing well with others, being helpful and instilling a passion for learning.
机译:这项研究旨在从North Ghor Education Directorate社会研究教师的角度确定社会研究教师在发展小学生的社会价值观中的作用。研究人群是来自北古尔教育局的社会研究教师,人数为67,而研究样本为53。该研究工具,即调查表,已分发给样本,共检索到49个具有统计意义的调查表。该研究主要得出以下几个结果:首先,在中等水平上实践了社会研究教师在发展爱国主义,与他人合作和分享,与他人相处和尊重,乐于助人和对学习的热情方面所使用的教学方法的功效。其次,社会价值观与伊斯兰文化以及在家庭中通常习以为常的良好习俗相融合,导致社会研究教师的行为与其成长和约旦环境相一致,这有助于他们专注于发展学生之间的合作与参与。最后,该研究建议有必要加强社会研究教师所使用的教学方法,以发展爱国主义,分享和合作,尊重他人,与他人相处,帮助和灌输学习热情。



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