首页> 外文期刊>Research on Humanities and Social Sciences >Dynamics of Onomastics in Afikpo Igbo Society

Dynamics of Onomastics in Afikpo Igbo Society

机译:Afikpo Igbo社会中的本体论动力学



Afikpo is one of the societies in Igbo land with unique names and naming conventions, which predisposes a child to have had a name before he is born. Naming systems reflect the complicated systems of ascribing identities based on certain cultures, conventions and worldviews of the people. The paper examines the totality of Afikpo names from traditional to contemporary trends. It explores the naming convention of Afikpo Igbo, the similarities and differences with other Igbo cultural areas, and the present trend in the face of globalization and urbanization. It critically examines the namesake ‘ogbo’ phenomenon in Ehugbo cultural area. This discussion on names, meaning and convention in traditional Afikpo society reveal that names are not mere appellation or tag but intrinsically tied to primogenitors (progenitor / antecedents). Due to the influence of religion, westernization and urbanization people now bear or give additional names to reflect their religious leaning, philosophical or ideological view, and to display their knowledge and contact with the western culture.
机译:阿菲克波(Afikpo)是伊博州(Igbo)的一个拥有独特名称和命名约定的社会,这使一个孩子在出生之前就拥有一个名字。命名系统反映了基于某些文化,习俗和人们的世界观而赋予身份的复杂系统。本文研究了从传统到当代趋势的Afikpo名称总数。它探讨了Afikpo Igbo的命名约定,与其他Igbo文化地区的异同以及面对全球化和城市化的当前趋势。它批判性地研究了Ehugbo文化地区同名的“ ogbo”现象。对传统Afikpo社会中的名称,含义和约定的讨论表明,名称不仅是名称或标签,还与长子祖先(祖先/先祖)联系在一起。由于宗教的影响,洋务化和城市化进程如今使人带有或赋予其他名称,以反映他们的宗教信仰,哲学或意识形态观点,并展示他们的知识和与西方文化的联系。



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