首页> 外文期刊>Research on Humanities and Social Sciences >The Implication of Socio-Economic Characteristics of the Farmers on their Level of Participation in Rice Irrigation Management for sustainable household food security in Kisumu County, Kenya

The Implication of Socio-Economic Characteristics of the Farmers on their Level of Participation in Rice Irrigation Management for sustainable household food security in Kisumu County, Kenya




Community participation in rice irrigation management as acknowledged world over has the potential to boost sustainable household food security. Despite the transfer of irrigation management to rice farmers in Ahero and West Kano irrigation schemes in Kisumu County, Kenya since 2004, recent studies show that there is very minimal participation of the farmers in rice irrigation management, leading to less impact on rice production hence inconsistent household food availability. Consequently, this study sought to examine the implications of socio-economic characteristics of the farmers and their level of participation in rice irrigation management. The study was guided by Participation theory by Arstein (1969) which portrays desired change as something that actualized through collective actions of all participants. The study used cross-sectional descriptive research design and mixed method paradigm for data collection methods and analysis. Out of seven (7) variables tested, only farm size did not have any significant influence on participation in rice irrigation management for sustainable household food security. The other six (6) variables, age, gender, level of education, residential status, farm size, experience in rice farming and income earned from rice farming had significant influence. Thus, the null hypothesis was rejected and alternative, "There is significant relationship between the socio-economic characteristics of the farmers and level of participation" accepted. However, all variables except experience in rice farming, had negative influence on participation in rice irrigation management for sustainable household food security in Ahero and West Kano rice irrigation schemes. The study concluded that there was the minimal participation of farmers in rice irrigation management due to socio-economic factors including inadequate farmers' management capacity among others. The study, therefore, recommends empowerment of farmers through training and review of irrigation Act to allow both male and female farmers to have more control over rice management to improve on rice production, hence food security.
机译:全世界公认的社区参与稻米灌溉管理有可能促进可持续的家庭粮食安全。尽管自2004年以来灌溉管理已转移到肯尼亚的Ahero灌溉计划和肯尼亚基苏木县的West Kano灌溉计划中,但最近的研究表明,农民对水稻灌溉管理的参与非常少,导致对水稻生产的影响较小,因此不一致家庭食物供应。因此,本研究试图检验农民的社会经济特征及其在水稻灌溉管理中的参与程度。该研究以Arstein(1969)的参与理论为指导,该理论将期望的变化描绘为通过所有参与者的集体行动而实现的东西。该研究使用横断面描述性研究设计和混合方法范式进行数据收集方法和分析。在测试的七(7)个变量中,只有农场规模对参与水稻灌溉管理以实现可持续的家庭粮食安全没有重大影响。其他六(6)个变量,年龄,性别,受教育程度,居住状况,农场规模,水稻种植经验和水稻种植收入具有重大影响。因此,原假设被否定,而选择了“农民的社会经济特征与参与程度之间存在显着关系”。但是,除稻米种植经验以外的所有变量都对参与Ahero和West Kano稻米灌溉计划中的可持续家庭粮食安全的稻米灌溉管理的参与产生了负面影响。研究得出的结论是,由于社会经济因素,包括农民管理能力不足等,农民很少参与水稻灌溉管理。因此,该研究建议通过培训和审查《灌溉法》赋予农民权力,以使男性和女性农民都能够更好地控制稻米管理,以改善稻米生产,从而改善粮食安全。



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