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Verbalization Text “The War Poem Mengkasar ': Cleave Apart Expression Heroism and Multiculturalism




This paper examines the Poem War Mengkasar as traditional historiography based on reality and the stories of humanity (not the stuff of myths and fairy tales) in which King described as the patriotic hero, gallant, brave, never give up, and not afraid to face his enemy, namely the Netherlands . People who are "Hero" in this verse Mengkasar War in the end the character's being lost the war but still be followed and respected. The data source of this research is the book "War Poetry Mengkasar" by Skinner that consists of 534 stanzas are written in the style of lexical and Malay. Synopsis This poem made ??writer based episodes of the war based on the disclosure of significant events. Expression of heroism can be found in the text at the time of the King of various kingdoms each expressed its readiness against the Netherlands in the form of "oath of allegiance" is performed approximately 26 king / leader. Multicultural expression, as indicated in the text of this poem as historical evidence that the King in his day from various regions continues to maintain the spirit of unity and are committed to the Sultan Hasanuddin (Sultan of the Kingdom of Goa) to jointly defend the empire. Kingdom of Goa can reach its peak and is very powerful because of the complexity of ethnic and tribal nations that support for the war in Makassar and work together against the Netherlands. Multiculturalism is also indicated in the use of weapons of war that comes from the Dutch, Malay, Java, Ambon and Makassar in the form of guns, cannons, swords, javelins, sunderik, dagger, pennants, ships, boats. War Poetry Mengkasar substance rich in moral teaching is good and bad, Human Rights relations between nations, gender roles, due to the bad war, and contains a message that avoids a war between nations will create world peace. Keywords : Poem War, Heroism and Multiculturalism
机译:本文根据现实和人类故事(不是神话故事和童话故事)来考察作为传统史学的诗战孟加萨尔,其中金被描述为爱国英雄,英勇,勇敢,永不放弃,不惧怕面对他的敌人,即荷兰。最终在这场孟卡萨战争中扮演“英雄”角色的人们虽然输掉了战争,但仍然受到追捧和尊重。这项研究的数据来源是Skinner所著的《战争诗歌孟卡萨尔》(War Poetry Mengkasar),该书由534个节组成,采用词汇和马来语风格。剧情简介这首诗以重大事件的披露为基础,以作家为基础编写了战争情节。英雄主义的表达可以在各王国国王时期的文本中找到,每个王国都以“效忠誓言”的形式表达了对荷兰的战备状态,大约执行了26位国王/领袖。如这首诗的文字所示,这是一种多元文化表现形式,作为历史证据,证明国王在他的时代中来自各个地区,继续保持团结精神,并致力于苏丹哈桑丁(果阿王国苏丹)共同捍卫帝国。由于支持孟加锡战争并共同对抗荷兰的族裔和部落国家的复杂性,果阿王国可以达到顶峰,并且非常强大。多元文化主义还体现在使用荷兰,马来,爪哇,安汶和望加锡的战争武器中,这些武器的形式包括枪支,大炮,剑,标枪,逊尼迪克,匕首,三角旗,轮船,轮船。战争诗歌孟加萨尔富有道德教义的物质是好是坏,国与国之间的人权关系,性别角色,由于战争的失败,并包含着避免国与国之间战争的信息将创造世界和平。关键词:诗歌战争,英雄主义和多元文化主义



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