首页> 外文期刊>Research on Humanities and Social Sciences >Beyond The Emancipated Woman: Revisiting Fictional Experiences In Nawal El Saadawi’s Woman At Point Zero And Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus.

Beyond The Emancipated Woman: Revisiting Fictional Experiences In Nawal El Saadawi’s Woman At Point Zero And Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus.

机译:超越被解放的女人:重新审视纳瓦尔·萨达维(Nawal El Saadawi)的《零点女人》和Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie的紫色芙蓉小说。



Like Marxism, feminism finds its roots in the struggle against prevalent social power and ideology relations. Using enlightenment discourse as a potent tool, it stresses the idea of an independent woman, who is rational and sovereign to decide her destiny. This, feminism has been able to partially achieve, but not in all quarters. Back in Africa, feminism has landed on various fronts: political, literary, cultural, and economic among others. The clamour for the emancipated Black Woman, who should be free from traditional denigration and oppression, is almost deafening. African female novelists have championed this course with their creative writings. But then, after Black Woman has secured her much desired emancipation, what becomes of her newly acquired freedom? This paper shall examine the nature of Black Woman’s emancipation as portrayed by Nawal El Saadawi’s Woman at Point Zero and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus. Keywords: Culture, Emancipation, Female, Oppression, Woman.
机译:像马克思主义一样,女权主义源于与普遍的社会权力和意识形态关系的斗争。它使用启蒙话语作为有力的工具,强调了一个独立的女人的想法,这个女人是理性和主权的,可以决定自己的命运。女权主义已经能够部分实现,但并非所有方面都能实现。回到非洲,女权主义已登陆各个领域:政治,文学,文化和经济等。应当摆脱传统的贬低和压迫的解放黑人妇女的呼声几乎震耳欲聋。非洲女性小说家以其创意著作为这一课程锦上添花。但是,当黑人妇女获得了自己渴望的解放后,她新获得的自由又将如何呢?本文将研究纳瓦尔·萨达维(Nawal El Saadawi)的《零点》女人和Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie的紫色芙蓉花所描绘的黑人女性解放的本质。关键词:文化,解放,女性,压迫,女人。



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