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Israel and Zionism in the Eyes of Palestinian Christian Theologians




Christian activism in the Arab–Israeli conflict and theological reflections on the Middle East have evolved around Palestinian liberation theology as a theological–political doctrine that scrutinizes Zionism, the existence of Israel and its policies, developing a biblical hermeneutics that reverses the biblical narrative, in order to portray Israel as a wicked regime that operates in the name of a fallacious primitive god and that uses false interpretations of the scriptures. This article analyzes the theological political–theological views applied to the Arab–Israeli conflict developed by Geries Khoury, Naim Ateek, and Mitri Raheb—three influential authors and activists in different Christians denominations. Besides opposing Zionism and providing arguments for the boycott of Israel, such conceptualizations go far beyond the conflict, providing theological grounds for the denial of Jewish statehood echoing old anti-Jewish accusations.
机译:基督教在阿拉伯-以色列冲突中的行动主义以及对中东的神学反思,围绕着巴勒斯坦解放神学发展而来,是一种神学-政治学说,它审查了犹太复国主义,以色列及其政策的存在,并发展了一种圣经诠释学,从而颠倒了圣经的叙述。为了将以色列描绘成一个邪恶的政权,以一个虚假的原始神的名义行事,并使用对圣经的错误解释。本文分析了Geries Khoury,Naim Ateek和Mitri Raheb在三种不同基督教派别中的有影响力的作家和活动家所提出的应用于阿拉伯-以色列冲突的神学政治理论观点。这种概念化除了反对犹太复国主义并为抵制以色列提供论据外,还远远超出了冲突,为否认犹太国家地位与老的反犹太指控相呼应提供了神学依据。



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