首页> 外文期刊>Religions >Pastoralism in Latin America: An Ensemble of Religious Governmental Technologies in Colonial Costa Rica

Pastoralism in Latin America: An Ensemble of Religious Governmental Technologies in Colonial Costa Rica




Based on a critical empirical application of Foucault’s concept of pastoralism and a genealogical research approach, this article suggests that the Catholic regime that operated in Costa Rica during the Spanish colonial period (16th to 19th centuries), developed an ensemble of distinctive ‘technologies of government’—charity, ceremonial strictness, bio-political control, geo-political rule, and administrative efficiency. Drawing on documentary and archival material, the analysis highlights both the governmental ‘logics’ and the governmental ‘techniques’ of the above technologies, as well as their complex centuries-long operation. The conclusions remark how such a complex ensemble of religious governmental technologies problematizes the synchronicistic and reductionist analyses of religion and politics; historical–institutionalist studies of colonial Catholicism in Latin America; and the compartmentalization of sovereignty, discipline, and apparatuses of security that Foucault originally proposed to account for the historical development of governmentality.
机译:基于福柯的牧民主义概念的批判性经验应用和家谱研究方法,本文表明,在西班牙殖民时期(16至19世纪)在哥斯达黎加开展活动的天主教政权发展了一系列独特的“政府技术” '-慈善机构,礼仪上的严格性,生物政治控制,地缘政治统治和行政效率。该分析利用文献和档案资料,重点介绍了上述技术的政府“逻辑”和政府“技术”,以及它们经过数百年的复杂运作。结论表明,如此复杂的宗教政府技术组合如何使宗教和政治的共时主义和简化主义分析问题化;拉丁美洲殖民天主教的历史制度主义研究;以及福柯最初提出的主权,纪律和安全手段的分隔,以解释政府性的历史发展。



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