首页> 外文期刊>Religions >The Case of Hirose Akira: The Ethical Predicament of a Japanese Buddhist Youth during World War II

The Case of Hirose Akira: The Ethical Predicament of a Japanese Buddhist Youth during World War II

机译:广濑彰(Hirose Akira)案:第二次世界大战期间日本佛教青年的伦理困境



The Japanese Buddhist clergy’s collaboration with the Japanese war machine during the Fifteen Year War (1931–1945) is notorious. Yet the struggles of ordinary lay Buddhist youths during World War II remain less publicized. This article examines the case of a young Shinshū Buddhist soldier, Hirose Akira, 廣瀬明 (1919–1947), and scrutinizes the diary he kept between 1939 and 1946. Mobilized between February 1942 and January 1945, Hirose became increasingly disillusioned, especially when he witnessed injustices and the officers’ thoughtlessness in ordering junior soldiers to make sacrifices while enjoying their privileges. His diary reveals an early skepticism toward the Japanese embrace of expansionism and the hypocrisy of its justifications for the war of aggression waged against China and Asia as a whole. Independently from the battle’s fate, by 1944 Hirose considered that Japan was already defeated because of what he saw as “her own people’s ego and selfishness.”.
机译:在15年战争(1931-1945)中,日本佛教神职人员与日本战争机器的合作是臭名昭著的。然而,第二次世界大战期间普通佛教徒青年人的斗争仍然很少得到宣传。本文考察了广顺明(1919–1947)一位年轻的Shinshū佛教士兵广濑明(Hirose Akira)的案子,并仔细研究了他在1939年至1946年之间保存的日记。在1942年2月至1945年1月之间动员起来的广濑变得幻灭,尤其是当他亲眼目睹了不公正行为和军官的粗心大意,他们命令下级军人在享受特权的同时做出牺牲。他的日记揭示了人们对日本对扩张主义的怀有早期的怀疑态度,以及它对针对中国和整个亚洲的侵略战争辩解的虚伪。希罗斯从战争的命运中独立出来,到1944年,他认为日本已经被打败了,因为他将日本视为“日本人民的自我和自私”。



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