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From Dis-Enclosure to Decolonisation: In Dialogue with Nancy and Mbembe on Self-Determination and the Other




What might a sense of decolonisation (not)/be? Or, what comes after the logic of the coloniser? This question is at the centre of many debates in South Africa and extends to all countries worldwide who are faced with the challenge of self-determination by rethinking the world we live in after the domination of the world by the so-called “all enclosing Western world-view” incarnated in various oppressive political, economic, social and intellectual practices. The challenge of rethinking the world following the demotion of the West from its centre, as will be argued, is not only for those who are particularly living in a previously colonised world, but also for those who were/ still are in the position of dominance, which is a universal task. It is at this point where the various philosophical traditions meet, more precisely that of continental philosophy of religion and African philosophy. Accordingly, this article seeks to explore the question in two parts by way of an inter-cultural approach. Part one retraces the critique of (a certain) Western metaphysics in terms of its onto-theological constitution. Subsequently, this onto-theological constitution is discussed in relation to the notions of identity and political to outline what a sense of decolonisation might not be, that is a re-enforcement of the logic of the coloniser , which denies the full existence of an-other. In part two, four suggestions are made on what a sense of decolonisation might be in dialogue with Jean-Luc Nancy and Achille Mbembe. The suggestions include a two-sided attitude of reticence/dissidence against falling back into the problematic logic. A move to consider decolonisation as the dis-enclosure of the world, which in turn, opens up a space for an alternative ontology that acknowledges our existence as always being-in-the-word with others. The fourth suggestion concerns the implications of this alternative ontology regarding a non-substantialist notion of identity as mêlée , which is the action of constant struggle within the re-opened space for what it means to live in the world. Finally, it is concluded that the alternative ontology of decolonisation as dis-enclosure implies a universal task of taking responsibility for the reparation of the dignity of the whole of humanity within our shared world.
机译:非殖民化感(不是)/会是什么?或者,殖民者的逻辑之后会发生什么?这个问题是南非许多辩论的中心,并延伸到世界上所有面临自决挑战的国家,这些国家通过所谓的“所有封闭的西方国家”统治世界后重新思考我们生活的世界世界观”体现在各种压迫性的政治,经济,社会和知识实践中。正如将要论证的那样,在西方从其中心撤离之后重新思考世界的挑战不仅是对那些特别生活在先前殖民世界中的人,而且对于那些仍然/仍处于统治地位的人,这是一项普遍的任务。在这一点上,各种哲学传统相遇,更确切地说是大陆宗教哲学与非洲哲学的相遇。因此,本文试图通过跨文化的方法分两部分探讨这个问题。第一部分回顾了(某种)西方形而上学对本体论神学构成的批判。随后,关于身份认同和政治概念讨论了这种神学上的宪法,概述了非殖民化可能不是的意义,这是对殖民者逻辑的强化,否认了殖民者的完整存在。其他。在第二部分中,针对与Jean-Luc Nancy和Achille Mbembe对话可能产生的非殖民化意识提出了四个建议。这些建议包括保持沉默/持不同意见的两面态度,以防止退回到有问题的逻辑中。将非殖民化视为世界的封闭,此举反过来又为另类本体开辟了空间,该本体承认我们的存在总是与其他人一样。第四个建议涉及这种替代本体论对非实质性身份认同的涵义的暗示,这是在重新开放的空间中为生存世界的含义而不断斗争的行为。最后,得出的结论是,非殖民化作为封闭的替代性本体论意味着承担着在我们共同世界中为全人类的尊严负责的普遍任务。



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