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Marx, the Praxis of Liberation Theology, and the Bane of Religious Epistemology




Can religious epistemology aid in the transformation of the world to the same effect as Marxist Theory? Utilizing an approach derived from Louis Althusser’s isolation of the radical implications of the epistemological break of Karl Marx, from his Feuerbachain theological thought to a materialist epistemological tradition, we probe the relationship between the mystical intent of Christian theology and the appearance of praxis as a category derived from the Marxist lexicon, within the modus cogitans of Latin American theology of liberation. We problematise the transcendentalism that liberation theology places on social practice, in its retention of a spiritualist Weltanschauung as the preeminent framework for the critique of socio-historical reality. Far from being a materialist-transformative “epistemological break” from orthodox theology, this putative theology of revolution is thus exposed as being a brand of a Hegelian theosophy, which is discontinuous with the dialectical understanding of the socio-material basis of human relations that emerges around Marxist Theory, namely praxis . Our leitmotif is therefore a claim that political theology, qua theology in general, and the Latin American Theology of Liberation in particular, have a limited efficacy as a theoretical tool for socio-political transformation, due to its inherent transcendentalist and rationalistic orientation.
机译:宗教认识论能否帮助世界转型,使其达到与马克思主义理论相同的效果?利用路易斯·阿尔都塞(Louis Althusser)对卡尔·马克思的认识论突破的根本含义的隔离,从他的费尔巴克神学思想到唯物主义的认识论传统,得出的方法,探讨了基督教神学的神秘意图与实践的出现之间的关系。源自马克思主义词典,属于拉丁美洲解放神学的惯常用法。我们将解放神学放在社会实践上的先验主义质疑,因为它保留了作为社会历史现实批判的杰出框架的唯物主义唯物主义。这种推定的革命神学远非是正统神学的唯物主义转变的“认识论突破”,因此被暴露为黑格尔神学的烙印,与对人类关系的社会物质基础的辩证理解不连续。围绕马克思主义理论,即实践。因此,我们的主旨主张是,政治神学,总体而言是神学,尤其是拉丁美洲的解放神学,由于其固有的超越主义和理性取向,其作为社会政治转型的理论工具的功效有限。



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