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Interrogating the Comparative Method: Whither, Why, and How? 1

机译:审问比较法:惠特尔,为什么以及如何? 1个



This essay seeks to illuminate the problematics, methods, and dynamics of comparison by interrogating how certain analytical categories in the study of religion, such as scripture and the body, can be fruitfully reimagined through a comparative analysis of their Hindu and Jewish instantiations. I consider a range of issues that are critical to any productive comparative study, and I reflect more specifically on the principal components of my own comparative method in light of Oliver Freiberger’s analytical framework: the goals of comparative analysis; the modes of comparison; the parameters that define the scope and the scale of the comparative inquiry; and the operations involved in the comparative process, beginning with selection of the specific traditions and analytical categories to be addressed and formulation of the organizational design of the study and culminating in the re-visioned categories and models in the study of religion that constitute the fruits of the comparative inquiry.
机译:本文通过询问如何通过对印度教和犹太人实例化的比较分析来有效地重新构想宗教研究中的某些分析类别(例如经文和身体)来阐明比较的问题,方法和动力。我考虑了一系列对任何富有成效的比较研究都至关重要的问题,根据奥利弗·弗雷伯格(Oliver Freiberger)的分析框架,我更具体地反映了我自己的比较方法的主要组成部分:比较分析的目标;比较方式;确定比较调查范围和规模的参数;以及比较过程中涉及的操作,首先要选择要解决的特定传统和分析类别,并制定研究的组织设计,最后是重新修订构成宗教研究成果的类别和模型比较查询。



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