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Dark of the World, Shine on Us: The Redemption of Blackness in Ryan Coogler’s Black Panther

机译:世界的黑暗,闪耀在我们身上:莱恩·库格勒(Ryan Coogler)的黑豹(Black Panther)中的黑色救赎



Directed by Ryan Coogler, the film Black Panther portrays the heroes of the fictional African kingdom of Wakanda as godlike. They possess otherworldly sophistication by virtue of their blackness, in contrast to longstanding tendencies in mainstream film toward tokenism, stereotyping, and victimhood in depictions of people of African descent. The superhero the Black Panther, a.k.a. King T’Challa, learns to stand in solidarity with the oppressed, even those in whose oppression he has been unwittingly complicit, such as the children of the African diaspora. As a result, the film can function as catalyst for reflection on the part of viewers in terms of how they might perceive more clearly the complexity, variety, and ambiguity represented by blackness, whether others’ or their own, and how they, too, might identify with the Other.
机译:由莱恩·库格勒(Ryan Coogler)执导的电影《黑豹》将虚构的非洲王国瓦卡达(Wakanda)的英雄刻画成神像。与黑人主流电影中对象征性,刻板印象和描绘非洲人血统的受害者的长期倾向形成鲜明对比的是,他们由于其黑色而具有超凡脱俗的先进性。超级英雄黑豹,又名T’Challa国王,学会与被压迫者站在一起,甚至包括那些他无意中被压迫的人,例如非洲侨民的孩子。结果,这部电影可以作为观看者思考方面的​​催化剂,使他们可以更清楚地感知以黑色代表的复杂性,多样性和模糊性,无论是别人还是自己的,以及他们如何看待,可能会与他人认同。



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