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Translating Carlyle: Ruminating on the Models of Metafiction at the Emergence of an Emersonian Vernacular




Given the exemplary studies of Thomas Carlyle’s influence on the Boston intelligentsia of the 1830s and 1840s, for instance by Robert D. Richardson and Barbara L. Packer, we may wonder if there are other questions to ask on the subject—and then, not so much as a point of disagreement or divergence, but rather in a spirit of seeking what may come to light given that so many elemental aspects have been so well digested by others. Avoiding a rehearsal of expert observations, much less a rote re-treading of key insights, I wish to focalize the present investigation by asking how, in particular, a single book— Sartor Resartus —affected Emerson’s conception of what might be possible for him to think about literary, religious, and philosophical expression in terms of humor, satire, genre, and translation (specifically cultural translation); thus, I am asking about the interaction between form and content, and specifically how the form and content of Sartor Resartus makes itself known and available to Emerson. Borrowing from George Eliot, the foregoing notes resolve themselves into the query that guides the present investigation: how was reading Sartor Resartus an “epoch in the history of” Emerson’s mind?
机译:考虑到托马斯·卡莱尔(Thomas Carlyle)对1830年代和1840年代波士顿知识分子的影响的典范研究,例如Robert D. Richardson和Barbara L. Packer,我们可能想知道是否还有其他问题要问,然后,不是这样。很大程度上是出于分歧或分歧的观点,而是本着寻求可能发现的精神,因为如此多的基本方面已被他人很好地消化了。为了避免排演专家的意见,而不是死记硬背地重读关键见解,我希望通过询问特别是一本书——Sartor Resartus——如何影响艾默生对他可能的构想的观点来集中本次调查的重点。从幽默,讽刺,体裁和翻译(特别是文化翻译)方面考虑文学,宗教和哲学表达;因此,我要问的是形式和内容之间的相互作用,特别是Sartor Resartus的形式和内容如何使艾默生了解和使用。前面的注释是从乔治·埃利奥特(George Eliot)借来的,他们将自己融入到指导当前调查的查询中:如何将Sartor Resartus读为是爱默生思想史上的一个时代?



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