首页> 外文期刊>Research Journal of Social Sciences >Nigerian Electorates’ Perception of Political Advertising and Election Campaign

Nigerian Electorates’ Perception of Political Advertising and Election Campaign




Political advertising has in recent time become popular in Nige ria; this is in contras t to the pas t when politic al s trategies such as political rallies , speec he s and pe rs ona l contacts we re used. T his paper exam ine s the effectiveness of political advertising on Nige rian e le ctorates a nd problem s associated with negative politic al advertising. The research was conducted through the adminis tra tion of 1650 questionnaires to re spondents in E kiti S tate , Nigeria; out of which 1500 were completed a nd returne d. Chi - s quare , Ana lysis of Varia nc e (ANO VA) a nd Descriptive E xploratory S ta tis tics were used. Chi – square was us ed to determine the diffe rence in the m ean age dis trib ution of the elec torates. ANOVA was us ed to de te rm ine the level of effe ctivenes s of political advertising on Nigeria n elec torates while Descriptive E xploratory Analysis was conducted to e xa mine the political behaviour and level of partic ipa tion of the Nigerian Electorates in Politics. Results indic ated that political advertising has s ignific ant effe ct on the electorates; the mean age dis tribution of e le ctorates is not uniform and mos t participate in Comm unity developments and other civic resp onsibilities. T he study concludes tha t though political advertising is intere sting, negative advertis ing s hould be totally disc ouraged.
机译:政治广告最近在尼格里亚州变得很流行。当我们使用诸如政治集会,专家和官员联系之类的政治策略时,这与人们的看法是相反的。他的纸质考试探讨了政治广告在尼日利安时代的有效性,并提出了与负面政治广告相关的一个问题。这项研究是通过向尼日利亚的E kitiate的居民发放1650份问卷进行的。其中1500人完成并返回d。使用方差分析(ANO VA)和描述性语义统计。我们使用卡方来确定选举人在现代年龄分配中的差异。我们使用ANOVA来确定尼日利亚选举人对政治广告的有效水平,而描述性分析则是为了确定尼日利亚选举人在政治上的行为和参与程度。结果表明,政治广告对选民的影响很大。各个部门的平均年龄分布不均,并且大多数人参与社区发展和其他公民责任。该研究得出的结论是,尽管政治广告很有趣,但负面广告应该完全被废除。



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