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Apparel Appearance and Helping Behavior: A Comparison of the Military and Civil Effects




The effect of status on spontaneous helping behavior highlights some ambiguities; theseambiguities derive from the differences in the manipulation of the status. Furthermore, the effect of theuniform on indirect requests has not been analyzed yet. Two hundred people could see a male-confederatewho dropped his notebook. The loss went unnoticed for the confederate. According to the case, he woreeither civilian clothes (he was neatly dressed and wore a suit) or military clothes (in full dress or infatigues). The results of this experiment indicate that a demeanor displaying a higher status brings on morehelp in both cases (civilian and military clothes). Nevertheless it is worth noticing that the confederatewho wore fatigues got less help.
机译:地位对自发帮助行为的影响突出了一些歧义。这些歧义来自于状态操纵的差异。此外,还没有分析统一对间接请求的影响。 200人可以看到一个男性同盟者丢下了他的笔记本。同盟国的损失没有引起注意。根据案件,他要么穿着便服(穿着整齐,穿着西服),要么穿着军服(穿着正装或疲劳)。该实验的结果表明,在两种情况下(民用和军用服装),表现出较高地位的举止都会带来更多帮助。不过,值得注意的是,遭受疲劳的同盟获得的帮助较少。



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