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Health and sustainable development; strengthening peri-operative care in low income countries to improve maternal and neonatal outcomes




Uganda is far from meeting the sustainable development goals on maternal and neonatal mortality with a maternal mortality ratio of 383/100,000 live births, and 33% of the women gave birth by 18?years. The neonatal mortality ratio was 29/1000 live births and 96 stillbirths occur every day due to placental abruption, and/or eclampsia – preeclampsia and other unkown causes. These deaths could be reduced with access to timely safe surgery and safe anaesthesia if the Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care services (CEmONC), and appropriate intensive care post operatively were implemented. A 2013 multi-national survey by Epiu et al. showed that, the Safe Surgical Checklist was not available for use at main referral hospitals in East Africa. We, therefore, set out to further assess 64 government and private hospitals in Uganda for the availability and usage of the WHO Checklists, and investigate the post-operative care of paturients; to advocate for CEmONC implementation in similarly burdened low income countries. The cross-sectional survey was conducted at 64 government and private hospitals in Uganda using preset questionnaires. We surveyed 41% of all hospitals in Uganda: 100% of the government regional referral hospitals, 16% of government district hospitals and 33% of all private hospitals. Only 22/64 (34.38%: 95% CI?=?23.56–47.09) used the WHO Safe Surgical Checklist. Additionally, only 6% of the government hospitals and 14% not-for profit hospitals had access to Intensive Care Unit (ICU) services for postoperative care compared to 57% of the private hospitals. There is urgent need to make WHO checklists available and operationalized. Strengthening peri-operative care in obstetrics would decrease maternal and neonatal morbidity and move closer to the goal of safe motherhood working towards Universal Health Care.
机译:乌干达远远没有达到孕产妇和新生儿死亡率的可持续发展目标,孕产妇死亡率为383 / 100,000活产,而33%的妇女在18岁时分娩。新生儿死亡率为29/1000活产,由于胎盘早剥和/或子痫-先兆子痫和其他未知原因,每天有96例死产。如果实施全面的紧急产科和新生儿护理服务(CEmONC),以及在手术后进行适当的重症监护,则可以通过及时安全的手术和安全的麻醉措施减少这些死亡。 Epiu等人的2013年跨国调查。表明,“安全手术检查表”在东非的主要转诊医院不可用。因此,我们着手进一步评估乌干达的64家政府和私立医院的卫生组织清单的可用性和使用情况,并调查普里科特人的术后护理;提倡在同样负担沉重的低收入国家实施CEmONC。横断面调查是使用预设的问卷调查在乌干达的64家政府和私立医院进行的。我们对乌干达所有医院的41%进行了调查:100%的政府区域转诊医院,16%的政府地区医院和33%的私立医院。只有22/64(34.38%:95%CI?=?23.56–47.09)使用了WHO安全手术清单。此外,只有6%的公立医院和14%的非营利性医院可以使用重症监护室(ICU)进行术后护理,而私立医院为57%。迫切需要提供世卫组织清单并付诸实施。加强产科围手术期护理将降低孕产妇和新生儿的发病率,并朝着实现全民保健的安全孕产目标迈进。



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