首页> 外文期刊>Research Involvement and Engagement >Exploring the challenge of health research priority setting in partnership: reflections on the methodology used by the James Lind Alliance Pressure Ulcer Priority Setting Partnership

Exploring the challenge of health research priority setting in partnership: reflections on the methodology used by the James Lind Alliance Pressure Ulcer Priority Setting Partnership




Plain English SummaryThe James Lind Alliance (JLA) brings patients, carers and clinicians together in Priority Setting Partnerships (PSPs) to identify and prioritise shared uncertainties about the effects of treatment. The JLA emerged from the evidence-informed healthcare movement to address a concern that the research being carried out on treatment effectiveness is not that of most importance to patients and health professionals. In the JLA PSPs, ‘hard’ evidence-informed ideals meet ‘soft’ participatory practices. This article explores the challenges of putting co-production methods into practice by reflecting on the methods used by the JLA Pressure Ulcer PSP (JLAPUP). The JLA principles are transparency, inclusivity and avoiding waste in research. This means paying the same close critical attention to how PSPs are designed and run, as is desired in the health research which the JLA seeks to influence. JLAPUP showed that it was possible to work in partnership in a field where patients are often elderly, immobile, unrepresented and particularly unwell, many of whom are living with more than one long term condition. However, for those unfamiliar with it, ‘uncertainty’ was a difficult term to get to grips with. Also, it was harder for some people than others to take part and to have their voices heard and understood. In keeping with other PSPs, JLAPUP found that the nature and quality of research into pressure ulcer prevention and treatment did not reflect the priorities of those who took part.?BackgroundStudies identifying a mismatch between the priorities of academics and clinicians and those of people with direct experience of a health condition pose a challenge to the assumption that professional researchers can represent the interests of patients and the public in setting priorities for health research. The James Lind Alliance (JLA) brings patients, carers and clinicians together in Priority Setting Partnerships (PSPs) to identify and prioritise shared uncertainties about the effects of treatment. There is no formal evaluation yet to examine the different approaches used by individual PSPs and the impact these methods have on the quality of the partnership and subsequent outputs. There is no gold standard method for health research topic identification and priority setting and reporting on public involvement in this area is predominantly descriptive rather than evaluative.Methods and FindingsThe JLA Pressure Ulcer PSP (JLAPUP) was developed and worked between 2009 and 2013 to identify and prioritise the top 10 ‘uncertainties’ , or ‘unanswered questions’, about the effects of pressure ulcer interventions. JLAPUP identified a mismatch between the nature and quality of RCTs in pressure ulcer prevention and treatment and the kind of research evidence desired by patients or service users, carers and health professionals. Results and methods have been reported fully elsewhere. The consultative and deliberative methods used to establish health research priorities in PSPs are fundamentally interpretive. PSPs are therefore an arena in which ‘hard’ evidence-informed ideals meet ‘soft’ participatory practices. This article provides an account of the challenges faced in one particular PSP. We explain the rationale for the approaches taken, difficulties faced and the limitations at each stage, because these aspects are particularly under-reported. The JLAPUP case is used to identify possible areas for evaluation and reporting across PSPs.ConclusionEngaging people with very different health and life experiences in the complexities of health science based discussions of uncertainty is challenging. This is particularly the case when engaging groups routinely excluded from participating in health research, for example, older people with multiple comorbidities. The JLA principles of transparency, inclusivity and avoiding waste in research require paying close critical attention to PSP methodology, including full evaluation and reporting of PSP processes and outcomes. Assessing the impact of PSPs is contingent on the decision making processes of commissioners and funders.
机译:简明扼要的英文摘要詹姆斯·林德联盟(JLA)将患者,护理人员和临床医生聚集在“优先重点确定合作伙伴关系(PSP)”中,以识别和区分治疗效果的共同不确定性并确定优先次序。 JLA出自于循证医学界,以解决人们对治疗效果的研究对患者和卫生专业人员而言并非最重要的担忧。在JLA PSP中,“硬”的,有事实根据的理想符合“软”的参与性实践。本文通过回顾JLA压疮PSP(JLAPUP)所使用的方法,探讨了将联合生产方法付诸实践的挑战。 JLA的原则是透明,包容并避免研究浪费。这意味着要像JLA寻求影响的健康研究一样,对PSP的设计和运行方式给予同样的密切关注。 JLAPUP表明,可以在一个常年老,行动不便,无人代表,特别是身体不适的患者中合作工作,其中许多患者长期生活在一个以上的状况。但是,对于那些不熟悉它的人来说,“不确定性”是一个难以理解的术语。而且,对于某些人来说,参与和表达自己的声音和理解比其他人更困难。与其他PSP保持一致,JLAPUP发现,对压力性溃疡的预防和治疗研究的性质和质量并未反映参加者的优先事项。背景研究发现学者和临床医生的优先事项与直接患者的优先事项不匹配。健康状况的经验对以下假设构成了挑战:专业研究人员可以在设定健康研究优先顺序时代表患者和公众的利益。詹姆斯·林德联盟(JLA)将患者,护理人员和临床医生聚集在“优先级确定合作伙伴关系(PSP)”中,以识别和区分治疗效果方面的共同不确定性。目前尚无正式评估来评估各个PSP所使用的不同方法以及这些方法对伙伴关系质量和后续产出的影响。目前尚无用于确定健康研究主题的金标准方法,并且没有设定优先级,并且关于该领域公众参与的报告主要是描述性的而不是评估性的。方法和发现JLA压疮PSP(JLAPUP)于2009年至2013年开发并工作,以识别和评估优先考虑有关压疮干预效果的前十大“不确定性”或“未解决的问题”。 JLAPUP确定了在预防和治疗压力性溃疡中RCT的性质和质量与患者或服务使用者,护理人员和卫生专业人员所需的研究证据类型不匹配。结果和方法已在其他地方全面报道。用于在PSP中确定卫生研究重点的咨询和协商方法具有根本性的解释意义。因此,PSP是一个“硬”的,有事实根据的理想与“软”的参与性实践相呼应的舞台。本文介绍了一个特定PSP所面临的挑战。我们解释了所采用的方法的原理,每个阶段面临的困难和局限性,因为这些方面的报告很少。 JLAPUP案例用于确定跨PSP进行评估和报告的可能领域。结论要使健康和生活经验截然不同的人们参与基于复杂性的卫生科学不确定性讨论具有挑战性。当参与例行排除在健康研究之外的团体(例如患有多种合并症的老年人)时,尤其如此。 JLA透明,包容和避免研究浪费的原则要求密切关注PSP方法论,包括对PSP流程和结果进行全面评估和报告。评估PSP的影响取决于专员和出资者的决策过程。



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