首页> 外文期刊>Regional Studies, Regional Science >Plant closures and taskforce responses: an analysis of the impact of and policy response to MG Rover in Birmingham

Plant closures and taskforce responses: an analysis of the impact of and policy response to MG Rover in Birmingham

机译:工厂关闭和工作组的应对措施:对MG Rover在伯明翰的影响和对策的分析



This paper explores the socio-economic impacts and associated policy responses to the collapse of MG Rover at Longbridge in Birmingham. Critically, it attempts to move beyond a ‘standard’ taskforce narrative that emphasizes the role of the regional response. While recognizing that significant policy ‘successes’ were indeed evident at the regional level in anticipating and responding to the crisis, a wider perspective is required that situates this taskforce response in (1) a fuller understanding of labour market precariousness (that in turn mitigates some of its policy ‘successes’), and (2) more local perspectives that highlight the local impacts of closure, the role of the neighbourhood level officials and the third sector in mediating these. Taking this broader perspective suggests that longer-term, workers face a precarious situation and the need for policies to create and sustain ‘good quality’ jobs remains paramount. Adding in more local perspectives, a key lesson from the Longbridge experience for dealing with closures more generally is that the public policy responses must be: multidimensional in that they transcend narrow sector-based concerns and addresses broader spatial impacts; inclusive in that they build on a broad coalition of economic and social stakeholders; and long-term in that they acknowledge that adaptation takes many years. If anything, the Birmingham Longbridge experience demonstrates the difficulty of achieving such responses in the context of crisis where action is imperative and deliberation a luxury.
机译:本文探讨了在伯明翰长桥的MG罗孚(MG Rover)倒塌的社会经济影响及相关政策对策。至关重要的是,它试图超越“标准”工作组的叙述,而该叙述强调区域响应的作用。尽管认识到在应对和应对危机方面区域政策确实取得了重大的政策“成功”,但仍需要更广阔的视野,以使工作队采取以下应对措施:(1)对劳动力市场的不稳定状况有更全面的了解(反过来减轻了一些影响) (2)更多的地方性观点强调了封锁的地方影响,邻里级官员和第三部门在调解这些方面的作用。从更广泛的角度来看,这意味着长期的工人面临不稳定的局面,仍然需要制定政策来创造和维持“优质”工作。从更多的本地角度出发,Longbridge从更广泛的角度来处理关闭问题的经验教训是,公共政策对策必须是:多维的,因为它们超越了基于部门的狭concerns关注,并解决了更广泛的空间影响;具有包容性,因为它们建立在广泛的经济和社会利益相关者联盟之上;从长远来看,他们承认适应需要很多年。如果有的话,伯明翰长桥的经验表明,在必须采取行动,奢侈地考虑采取行动的危机中,难以做出这样的反应。



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