首页> 外文期刊>Literator >Women, nation and voicing in Sharai Mukonoweshuro's Shona novels

Women, nation and voicing in Sharai Mukonoweshuro's Shona novels

机译:Sharai Mukonoweshuro的Shona小说中的女性,民族和配音



The article explores the fictional representation of women in two of Sharai Mukonoweshuro's novels, Akafuratidzwa Moyo and Ndakagara Ndazviona. Traditional Shona expectations of how a woman should behave have prescribed the roles that women are expected to play in society. In Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), colonialism invented customary laws in which women were further downgraded to social positions akin to those of minors. Although the nationalist struggle was essentially meant to guarantee freedom for all Black people irrespective of gender, the male elites constructed the identity of Black women as their inferior ‘other'. Against this background this article argues that Sharai Mukonoweshuro's novels struggle against these male sanctioned stereotypes. However, as will be shown, Mukonoweshuro's mode of resistance to female stereotypes is ambivalent in the sense that the author constructs young women who defy patriarchy on the one hand and, on the other hand, old women who do the unthinkable act of poisoning their own sons.
机译:本文探讨了莎拉·穆科诺韦修罗(Sharai Mukonoweshuro)的两本小说中的虚构女性形象,分别是Akafuratidzwa Moyo和Ndakagara Ndazviona。绍纳人对妇女应如何表现的传统期望规定了妇女在社会中应扮演的角色。在南罗得西亚(现在的津巴布韦),殖民主义发明了习惯法,其中妇女被进一步降级为与未成年人类似的社会地位。尽管民族主义斗争的本质是要保证所有黑人的自由,无论其性别如何,但男性精英还是将黑人妇女的身份确立为劣等的“其他”。在这种背景下,本文认为莎拉·穆科诺韦修罗的小说与这些男性认可的刻板印象作斗争。然而,正如将显示的那样,Mukonoweshuro对女性陈规定型观念的抵抗方式是矛盾的,因为作者构造了一方面挑战父权制的年轻女性,另一方面,扮演了无法想象的毒害自己的行为的老年女性。儿子。



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