首页> 外文期刊>Literator >‘Listening at the threshold' – A reading of religion in some excerpts from three of Iris Murdoch's novels: Henry and Cato , Nuns and soldiers and The unicorn

‘Listening at the threshold' – A reading of religion in some excerpts from three of Iris Murdoch's novels: Henry and Cato , Nuns and soldiers and The unicorn

机译:“聆听极限” –摘自艾里斯·默多克(Iris Murdoch)的三本小说的部分摘录中的宗教:亨利和卡托,修女和士兵以及独角兽



This article examined the religious aspect of some excerpts from three of Iris Murdoch's novels according to a Christian theory of reading. However, the length and scope of this article did not encompass a discussion of Murdoch's overarching philosophy. Some justification was given for the adoption of a Christian theory of reading as opposed to a deconstructive, Marxist or psychoanalytical theory. The contention of the article was that, though Murdoch herself did not espouse orthodox Christian faith, there is in her work – when she is writing about religion in the three novels under consideration – an ‘echo of the Divine', such as that described by Laurence Hemming, which is both authentic and strikingly compatible with orthodox Christian spirituality. The aim of the article was therefore to record some impressions, ask a pertinent question, and ponder some possible answers regarding the nature of this ‘echo of the Divine' to be found in the extracts selected from these three novels.
机译:本文根据基督教的阅读理论,对艾里斯·默多克(Iris Murdoch)的三本小说的某些节选的宗教方面进行了考察。但是,本文的篇幅和范围并未涵盖对默多克总体哲学的讨论。对于采用基督教的阅读理论而不是解构性的,马克思主义的或精神分析的理论,给出了一些理由。这篇文章的论点是,尽管默多克本人并没有拥护正统的基督教信仰,但她的作品-当她在所考虑的三本小说中写关于宗教的著作时-有一种“神的回声”,例如劳伦斯·海明(Laurence Hemming),与正统的基督教灵修既真实又惊人地兼容。因此,本文的目的是记录一些印象,提出一个相关的问题,并思考从这三本小说的摘录中发现的这种“神的回声”的性质的可能答案。



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