首页> 外文期刊>Literator >'n Interpretasie van Karel Schoeman se roman, 'n Ander land binne die raamwerk van die laat negentiendeeeuse estetisistiese en dekadente literêre tradisie

'n Interpretasie van Karel Schoeman se roman, 'n Ander land binne die raamwerk van die laat negentiendeeeuse estetisistiese en dekadente literêre tradisie




The first motivation for reading Karel Schoeman's novel 'n Ander land within the framework of late nineteenth century Western European decadcnt literature is the strong resemblance between Schoeman's character Versluis and Des Esseintes, main character of the so-called Bible of Decadence, namely Joris- Karl Huysmans' A Rebours (1884). Schoeman's cultivated narrative style, his use of archaic Dutch and French words and the fact that this novel h as 'no story', confirm the affinity of 'n Ander land with the decadent literary tradition as established by Huysmans' plotless novel. The ultimate vision communicated in 'n Ander land is that death, like the landscape of Africa, is infinitely empty. The journey of the dying Versluis to Bloemfontein with its emphasis on intense heat and desolation and its affinities with Dante's Divina Commedia can be seen as a symbolic descent into hell, with the suggestion that Versluis will never reach paradise.
机译:在19世纪末期的西欧十年文学框架内阅读卡雷尔·舒曼(Karel Schoeman)的小说《安德之地》的第一个动机是,舒曼的角色凡斯路易(Versluis)和德斯·埃塞因特斯(Des Esseintes)之间有着强烈的相似之处,后者是所谓的《堕落圣经》的主要角色,即乔里斯·卡尔休斯曼的《雷伯斯》(1884)。肖曼的养成叙事风格,他使用过时的荷兰语和法语单词以及这本小说作为“无故事”的事实,证实了“安德土地”与休斯曼斯无情小说所确立的the废文学传统之间的亲和力。在'n安德土地上传达的最终愿景是,死亡像非洲景观一样,是无限的空虚。垂死的Versluis到布隆方丹的旅程,着重于高温和荒凉,并与Dante的Divina Commedia保持着亲密关系,可以看作是进入地狱的象征降落,暗示Versluis永远不会到达天堂。



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