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Walking the Dog Fast in Practice: Algorithm Engineering of the Fréchet Distance




The Fréchet distance provides a natural and intuitive measure for the popular task of computing the similarity of two (polygonal) curves. While a simple algorithm computes it in near-quadratic time, a strongly subquadratic algorithm cannot exist unless the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis fails. Still, fast practical implementations of the Fréchet distance, in particular for realistic input curves, are highly desirable. This has even lead to a designated competition, the ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS Cup 2017: Here, the challenge was to implement a near-neighbor data structure under the Fréchet distance. The bottleneck of the top three implementations turned out to be precisely the decision procedure for the Fréchet distance. In this work, we present a fast, certifying implementation for deciding the Fréchet distance, in order to (1) complement its pessimistic worst-case hardness by an empirical analysis on realistic input data and to (2) improve the state of the art for the GIS Cup challenge. We experimentally evaluate our implementation on a large benchmark consisting of several data sets (including handwritten characters and GPS trajectories). Compared to the winning implementation of the GIS Cup, we obtain running time improvements of up to more than two orders of magnitude for the decision procedure and of up to a factor of 30 for queries to the near-neighbor data structure.
机译:Fréchet距离为计算两条(多边形)曲线相似度这一流行任务提供了自然而直观的度量。虽然一个简单的算法会在接近二次的时间进行计算,但是除非强指数时间假说失败,否则就不会存在强次二次算法。尽管如此,仍然非常需要快速实用的Fréchet距离实现方式,尤其是对于逼真的输入曲线。这甚至导致了一场指定的比赛,即ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS Cup 2017:这里的挑战是在Fréchet距离下实现近邻数据结构。事实证明,前三个实现的瓶颈恰好是弗雷谢特距离的决策过程。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种快速的认证实施方案来确定弗雷谢距离,以便(1)通过对实际输入数据的经验分析来补充其悲观的最坏情况下的硬度,并(2)改进以下方面的最新技术水平: GIS杯挑战赛。我们在一个大型基准上实验性地评估了我们的实施情况,该基准包含多个数据集(包括手写字符和GPS轨迹)。与GIS杯的成功实施相比,我们在决策程序方面的运行时间提高了多达两个数量级,而对近邻数据结构的查询的运行时间提高了30倍。



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