首页> 外文期刊>Norsk Epidemiologi >The paradoxes of gerotranscendence: The theory of gerotranscendence in a cultural gerontological and post-modernist perspective

The paradoxes of gerotranscendence: The theory of gerotranscendence in a cultural gerontological and post-modernist perspective




This article presents a theoretical analysis and discussion of the theory of gerotranscendence, formulatedby Lars Tornstam (University of Uppsala, Sweden). The theory is presented as a meta-theory ofageing, as a theory of universal and general ageing processes. Ageing is seen as an urge (a drive)towards a less engaged posititon in the wordly life, moving towards a higher degree of transcendence,with a more cosmic outlook and another definition of reality. In this article the theory is discussed fromanother theoretical position; Ageing seen in a cultural gerontological perspective, as a varied culturallyand historically situated phenomenon – differing in different times and different cultures. The theoreticalperspective underlines that ageing is complex dialectical processes, an intertwined interplay betweenindividual development and cultural change. The varied individual ageing processes are not seenas the result of ?drives?. In Western post-modern cultures the ageing processes are becoming manifold,often contradictory. Elderly present versions of the selves that are becoming complex, multiplied (multipleselves), acting at different scenes, stamped by varied cultural values, presenting mixed versions ofactivity and passivity, engagement and retractment, wordliness and transcendence.
机译:本文介绍了由Lars Tornstam(瑞典乌普萨拉大学)提出的关于超越性理论的理论分析和讨论。该理论是作为年龄理论的一种元理论,作为一种普遍的和普遍的衰老过程的理论。老龄化被视为一种推动力(驱动力),以朝着言语生活中参与度降低的方向发展,朝着更高的超越程度,更宽广的视野和对现实的另一定义。本文从另一个理论立场讨论了这一理论。从文化老年病学的角度来看,老龄化是一种在文化和历史上都处在不同时期的现象–在不同时期和文化中存在差异。从理论上讲,老龄化是复杂的辩证过程,是个人发展与文化变迁之间相互交织的相互作用。各种老化过程不会被视为“驱动”的结果。在西方后现代文化中,衰老过程变得多方面的,通常是矛盾的。老年人的自我版本正在变得复杂,成倍增加(多重自我),在不同的场景中行动,并被不同的文化价值所压印,呈现出活动与消极,交往与退缩,言语和超越的混合版本。



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