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A Abordagem Triangular como possibilidade educativa para o trabalho com Dan?a na Educa??o de Jovens e Adultos (EJA)




This article presents writings and reflections about the teaching practice experienced with the curricular component Art, specifically with the artistic language of Dance, with the students of Youth and Adult Education (EJA) of the night period, from Escola Municipal Professor José de Patrocínio, located in the northern zone of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. The text aims to reflect the pedagogical practice in Art / Dance of a teacher of this modality of basic education as well as to present possibilities of approaching the contents of Dance in EJA, based on the Triangular Approach of Ana Mae Barbosa (2008). The methodology used is of descriptive qualitative nature, having as a method the participant action, studied from Thiollent (1984) and Silva (1986). This study concluded that the Art/Dance content can contribute to the construction of the social body of EJA students, extrapolating narrow practices that emphasize only the Visual Arts, verifying that it is possible to insert the Dance together with this educational public.
机译:本文介绍了来自Escola市级教授JosédePatrocínio的夜间课程的组成部分艺术,特别是舞蹈的艺术语言,以及夜间青年和成人教育(EJA)学生所经历的教学实践的著作和反思。在纳塔尔北部地区,北里奥格兰德州。该文本旨在反映这种基础教育模式的教师在艺术/舞蹈方面的教学实践,并根据Ana Mae Barbosa(2008)的“三角方法”,提出接近EJA中舞蹈内容的可能性。所使用的方法具有描述性的定性性质,作为参与者的行为的一种方法,是根据Thiollent(1984)和Silva(1986)研究的。这项研究得出的结论是,艺术/舞蹈内容可以促进EJA学生的社会团体的建设,推断出仅强调视觉艺术的狭practices做法,从而证明可以将舞蹈与该教育公众一起插入。



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