首页> 外文期刊>Nursing of intrgrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine(Zhong-Xiyi Jiehe Huli ) >国际护理实践分类在骨科护理记录结构化分析中的应用研究





Abstract:Objective To investigate the feasibility of the international classification (ICNP version 2.0) of nursing practice for structural analysis of electronic nursing records. Methods To collect electronic department of orthopedics 160 nursing records by using purposive sampling method, Extraction of vocabulary and nursing concept, words and terms which were not consistent with the field of medicine and nursing were performed and compared with the Chinese version of ICNP2.0. Results A total of 509 nursing records were extracted and classified according to 3 categories and 7 axes in ICNP 2.0. The distribution of the different types of words was nursing phenomena (accounting for 86.6%), nursing action (accounting for 11%) and nursing outcomes (accounting for 24%). The results of comparison between the clinical nursing records and the Chinese version of ICNP2.0 were completely matched (accounting to 28.1%) and partial matching (accounting for 393%). Conclusion Comparison resulting list of nursing terms between nursing records and ICNP version 2.0 can be structured for the formation of nursing language, and the realization of nursing records to provide reference for standardized writing. It is also conducive to the preservation and utilization of nursing information data, for the development of intelligent decision support system for clinical care.
机译:摘要:目的探讨护理实践国际分类(ICNP 2.0版)在电子护理记录结构分析中的可行性。方法采用有针对性的抽样方法,收集整形外科电子科的160份护理记录,提取词汇和护理概念,与医学和护理领域不一致的词语,并与中文版ICNP2.0进行比较。结果在ICNP2.0中,根据3个类别和7个轴,共提取和分类了509条护理记录。不同类型单词的分布为护理现象(占86.6%),护理行为(占11%)和护理结局(占24%)。临床护理记录与中文版ICNP2.0比较结果完全匹配(占28.1%)和部分匹配(占393%)。结论可以构建护理记录与ICNP 2.0版之间护理术语的比较结果清单,以形成护理语言,并实现护理记录的实现,为规范写作提供参考。它还有利于护理信息数据的保存和利用,有利于临床护理智能决策支持系统的开发。



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