首页> 外文期刊>Nursing of intrgrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine(Zhong-Xiyi Jiehe Huli ) >基于协同理念的母婴同室护理对产妇情感状况及婴儿照护能力的影响





Abstract:Objective To investigate the effect of collaborative nursing in the ward of direct roomingin on emotion situation and baby care ability of parturient, Methods A total of 92 parturient women were randomly divided into the control group and the observation group, with 46 cases in each group. The conventional nursing measures were performed in the control group while the collaborative nursing interventions in the ward of direct roomingin was applied in the observation group. The Edinburgh postnatal depression scale (EPDS) was used to evaluate the emotion situation of parturient 6 h after delivery and at discharge. The control rate of infantile touching skills, breast feeding rate and incidence of neonatal complications were compared between two groups. Results  the EPDS score was significant lower in the observation group than that of controls 6 h after delivery and at discharge (P<0.05). the observation group reached a better control of infantile touching skills, higher breast feeding rate and lower incidence of neonatal complications compared with the control group (P<0.05 or P<0.01). Conclusion Collaborative nursing in the ward of direct roomingin may effective release the postpartum depression and improve the baby care ability of parturient.
机译:摘要:目的探讨直接入院病房的合作护理对产妇情绪状况和婴儿护理能力的影响,方法将92例产妇随机分为对照组和观察组,共46例。在每个组中。对照组采用常规护理措施,观察组采用直接入室病房的协同护理干预措施。爱丁堡产后抑郁量表(EPDS)用于评估分娩后和出院后6 h产妇的情绪状况。比较两组的婴儿接触技巧控制率,母乳喂养率和新生儿并发症发生率。结果观察组分娩后6 h,出院时EPDS评分明显低于对照组(P <0.05)。与对照组相比,观察组对婴儿的触觉技能控制更好,母乳喂养率更高,新生儿并发症发生率更低(P <0.05或P <0.01)。结论直接入院病房的合作护理可以有效缓解产后抑郁症,提高产妇对婴儿的护理能力。



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