首页> 外文期刊>New Zealand journal of agricultural research >Techniques for the investigation of susceptibility to insecticides in larvae of the scarabaeid Costelytra zealandica (White)

Techniques for the investigation of susceptibility to insecticides in larvae of the scarabaeid Costelytra zealandica (White)




Abstract Susceptibility to insecticides in larvae of Costelytra zealandica (White) has been studied in the laboratory by the topical application of insecticides in solution. Since the onset of mortality, especially that due to DDT, is slow, the loss or retention of the capacity for burrowing in loose soil was adopted as the criterion of effect. Response to DDT occurred over a wide range of dosage when acetone was employed as the solvent; with non-volatile solvents, olive oil or dioctyl phthalate, the range was less and log-dosage probit response lines were steeper. Conditions in the post-treatment period affected the slope of the regression line, which was steeper when the larvae were kept in a damp atmosphere than when they were covered with earth. Four main variants in technique are described, and their advantages discussed in relation to the detection and measurement of susceptibility or tolerance to DDT in larval populations, and possible analysis of these into genetically differing fractions.
机译:摘要在实验室中,通过在溶液中局部使用杀虫剂,研究了Costalytra zealandica(白色)幼虫对杀虫剂的敏感性。由于死亡率(特别是滴滴涕所致)的发作缓慢,因此采用在松散土壤中挖洞能力的丧失或保持作为影响的标准。当使用丙酮作为溶剂时,对滴滴涕的反应发生在很宽的剂量范围内。在使用非挥发性溶剂,橄榄油或邻苯二甲酸二辛酯的情况下,范围较小,对数剂量概率响应线更陡。后处理时期的条件影响了回归线的斜率,当幼虫保持在潮湿的环境中时,其斜率比被土壤覆盖时的陡峭。描述了技术上的四个主要变体,并讨论了其在幼虫种群中对DDT的敏感性或耐受性的检测和测量以及将其分析成遗传不同部分的优势。



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