首页> 外文期刊>New Zealand journal of agricultural research >Effects of variation in shade level, shade duration and light quality on perennial pastures

Effects of variation in shade level, shade duration and light quality on perennial pastures




Abstract Two experiments examining the effect of artificial shade on pasture net herbage accumulation (NHA), botanical composition and soil characteristics were conducted between 1994 and 1999 at Whatawhata Research Centre. Both experiments included a range of shade levels (0–94%) and shade durations (3–12 months per year). Experiment 1 also included a light quality treatment, incorporating a range in the red:far red ratio (0.49–1.00). All three shading factors decreased annual NHA, with the most influential being the level of shade, which accounted for 68% of the variation and reduced NHA by 20–80% compared with open pasture. The second most influential factor was shade duration, which accounted for only 6% of the variation in NHA. Shading also led to changes in pasture botanical composition, most notably a decline in legume content in both experiments. There was no evidence that hairy pasture species (grasses or legumes) had any advantage over glabrous species under shade. At shade levels >60%, herbage ...
机译:摘要1994年至1999年,在Whatawhata研究中心进行了两个试验,以检验人工遮荫对牧草净牧草累积量(NHA),植物组成和土壤特性的影响。这两个实验都包括一定范围的阴影等级(0–94%)和阴影持续时间(每年3–12个月)。实验1还包括光质量处理,并结合了红色:远红色比率(0.49–1.00)的范围。所有三个遮荫因素均降低了年度NHA,其中最有影响的是遮荫程度,占开阔牧场的68%,使NHA减少了20-80%。第二大影响因素是遮阴持续时间,仅占NHA变化的6%。阴影还导致牧场植物成分的变化,最明显的是两个实验中豆类含量的下降。没有证据表明多毛的牧草种类(草或豆类)在阴影下比无毛牧草种类有任何优势。在> 60%的阴影水平下,牧草...



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