首页> 外文期刊>New Zealand journal of agricultural research >Seasonal growth, flowering patterns, and phosphate response of 18 annual legume species grown in a hill‐country soil

Seasonal growth, flowering patterns, and phosphate response of 18 annual legume species grown in a hill‐country soil




Abstract An experiment was conducted to evaluate 18 herbaceous annual legume species for growth in a low‐fertility, low‐pH, hill soil, and for their response to added phosphate (P) fertiliser. Lotus, Ornithopus, Medicago, and Trifolium species were included. The plants were grown outdoors in large (250 mm diameter) undisturbed soil cores to provide for full expression of their growth habit. Two P treatments were applied to the cores, a zero rate and a high rate equivalent to 100 kg P/ha. Herbage growth, flowering pattern, and seed production over 8 months were measured. Ornithopus compressus and O. sativus had the highest growth rates and seed production, followed by Lotus subbiflorus and L. angustissimus. These four lines should be evaluated further under field conditions. A number of other species were unable to express full reproductive development under the harvesting regime imposed. A wide range in response to added P was recorded, Trifolium tembense having the greatest proportional increase in growth.
机译:摘要进行了一项实验,评估了18种一年生草本植物在低肥力,低pH值的丘陵土壤中的生长以及它们对添加的磷肥的响应。包括莲花,万年青属,紫花苜蓿和三叶草。这些植物在大型(直径250毫米)不受干扰的土壤中生长在室外,以充分表达其生长习性。对岩心进行了两种磷处理,零速和高速相当于100千克磷/公顷。测量了8个月内的草本植物生长,开花模式和种子产量。虎眼万寿菊和O. sativus的生长速率和种子产量最高,其次是莲花subbiflorus和L. angustissimus。这四条线应在野外条件下进一步评估。在实行的收获制度下,许多其他物种无法表达全面的生殖发育。记录到对添加的磷有宽泛的响应,三叶草具有最大的比例增长。



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