首页> 外文期刊>New Zealand journal of agricultural research >Tenderness of beef m. longissimus lumborum at normal and intermediate ultimate pH before and after a period of ageing

Tenderness of beef m. longissimus lumborum at normal and intermediate ultimate pH before and after a period of ageing




Abstract Beef tenderness, in terms of Warner‐Bratzler shear force values, was measured following ageing periods of 1 or 20 days for samples of m. longissimus lumborum from pairs of steers or heifers (n = 38) with the two members of each pair being from the same mob. One sample of each pair had an intermediate ultimate pH (pHu 5.7–6.2) and the other a normal pHult (<5.6). Samples of the intermediate pHult group had the expected lower cooking losses and darker colour (lower L?, a?, and b? values). In contrast to previous studies where intermediate pHult has been associated with tougher beef, however, the two groups did not differ in shear‐force values, sarcomere length, or in myofibrillar fragility as measured by a filtration method or by image analysis. Samples for this study were removed from carcasses after rigor mortis had set in, which may have accounted for the sarcomere lengths being longer than in previous studies. It is suggested that the failure to detect a pHult effect on shear force values ma...
机译:摘要以华纳-布拉茨勒剪切力值表示的牛肉嫩度是在m样品老化1天或20天后进行测量的。来自成对的公牛或小母牛(n = 38)的longissimus lumborum,每对的两个成员来自同一暴民。每对中的一个样品具有中等的最终pH(pHu 5.7–6.2),另一个样品具有正常的pHult(<5.6)。中等pHult组的样品具有预期的较低的蒸煮损失和较深的颜色(较低的L +,a +和b +值)。然而,与先前的研究(中等pHult与较坚韧的牛肉相关)相比,这两组的剪切力值,肌节长度或通过过滤方法或图像分析测得的肌原纤维脆性没有差异。进行严格的尸体植入后,从尸体中取出了本研究的样品,这可能是肌节长度比以前的研究更长的原因。建议未能检测到pHult对剪切力值的影响可能是由于...



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