首页> 外文期刊>New Zealand journal of agricultural research >Tests on a new bait for flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) causing cutaneous myiasis (flystrike) in sheep

Tests on a new bait for flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) causing cutaneous myiasis (flystrike) in sheep




Abstract A synthetic bait consisting of sulphur‐containing volatile compounds encapsulated in a casein‐based slow release matrix was used in sticky and non‐return traps to catch sheep strike flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in the field. The synthetic bait caught significantly more individuals of a minor strike fly Chrysomya rufifacies than a liver/sodium sulphide mixture. The synthetic bait also caught a significantly higher proportion of gravid C. rufifacies than the liver mixture. The synthetic bait did not trap significantly more Lucilia sericata than the liver mixture overall. However, it did trap a significantly higher proportion of gravid L. sericata than the liver mixture, suggesting it may be effective in controlling this species under field conditions. The bait efficacy wore off after 17 days under ambient conditions. The 17‐day‐old synthetic bait still caught significantly more C. rufifacies than the liver mixture, but caught significantly fewer L. sericata than the liver mixture. Ways of improvi...
机译:摘要在粘滞和止回陷阱中使用了由包裹在酪蛋白基缓释基质中的含硫挥发性化合物组成的合成诱饵,用于捕获野外实蝇(双翅目:Calliphoridae)。与肝/硫化钠混合物相比,合成饵诱捕的次生蝇类金黄色葡萄球菌个体明显更多。合成的诱饵还捕获了比肝脏混合物高得多的妊娠角质梭菌。合成诱饵所捕获的丝虫没有比整体肝脏混合物多得多。但是,它确实捕获了比肝脏混合物高得多的野生丝状狼尾草比例,表明它在田间条件下可能有效控制该物种。在环境条件下17天后,诱饵效力消失。 17天龄的合成诱饵所捕获的红褐线虫仍比肝脏混合物多得多,但丝状线虫的捕获却比肝脏混合物少得多。即兴创作的方式



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