首页> 外文期刊>New Zealand journal of agricultural research >Ryegrass endophyte, incidence, and control

Ryegrass endophyte, incidence, and control




Abstract There was a high incidence of a fungus endophyte in most of the perennial ryegrass pastures and seed lines examined. The fungus was still viable in seed which had been stored at 0–5°C for 7 years. The main means of endophyte dissemination appear to be the sowing of infected seed and the re-seeding of infected plants in pastures. Field observations showed that when endophyte-free seed was sown, a set of mown plots and a grazed pasture were still free of endophyte 4 years after establishment. Endophyte-free seedlings were obtained by treating infected seeds with the fungicides propiconazole or prochloraz at 0.5 g/kg of seed. The fungus was eradicated from infected plants growing in pots by drenching the soil with a suspension of benomyl at 0.1 g per litre of growing medium.
机译:摘要在大多数多年生黑麦草牧场和种系中,真菌内生菌的发生率很高。该真菌仍在种子中存活,该种子已在0-5°C下保存7年。内生菌传播的主要手段似乎是播种受感染的种子和在牧场中播种受感染的植物。实地观察表明,播种无内生菌的种子后,建立后4年,仍然有一组割草的地块和一个放牧的牧场仍没有内生菌。通过用0.5 mg / kg种子的杀菌剂丙环唑或丙草胺处理感染的种子,可获得无内生的幼苗。通过在每升生长培养基中添加0.1克苯菌灵悬浮液浸润土壤,从盆栽的受感染植物中根除真菌。



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