首页> 外文期刊>New Zealand journal of agricultural research >Distinguishing between grass and legume species for efficiency of phosphorus use

Distinguishing between grass and legume species for efficiency of phosphorus use




Abstract A proposed screening technique for efficiency of P ultilisation was investigated using 10 grass and 11 legume species. They were grown in pots at 2 P levels, one limiting growth, and results are presented as a diagram of yield at high soil-P against yield at low soil-P. This method distinguished between species known to be sensitive to soils low in P and those tolerant to such conditions using the species examined and with other examples obtained from the literature. The grasses, as a group, appeared to be more tolerant of soils low in P than were legumes. They had much more intensive root systems, with longer total root lengths, thinner roots, and much longer root hairs. The grasses were also shown to divide their P between shoot and root in the same way irrespective of the soil-P level, while the legumes retained more P in the root in soils low in P.
机译:摘要以10种草和11种豆科植物为研究对象,研究了一种建议的磷肥高效筛选技术。它们以2 P的水平在盆中生长,一个限制生长,结果以高土壤P时的产量与低土壤P时的产量的关系图表示。该方法使用所研究的物种和从文献中获得的其他实例,区分了已知对低磷土壤敏感的物种和对此类条件耐受的物种。整体而言,草对磷含量低的土壤比对豆科植物更耐。他们的根系更加密集,总根长更长,根更细,根毛更长。不论土壤中的磷水平如何,草还显示出以相同的方式在茎和根之间分配其磷,而在低磷的土壤中,豆类植物在根中保留了更多的磷。



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