首页> 外文期刊>New Zealand journal of agricultural research >Statistical design, analysis, and presentation issues

Statistical design, analysis, and presentation issues




Abstract Presentation issues provide a perspective from which to comment on the role of statistics in applied biological research. Full details are required of the experimental layout, and of reasons for the choice of design. Gains from effective design may include: improved precision and clearcut results; reduced cost and/or effort; information that a less satisfactory design could not have provided; and clues that will help in planning further experiments. Failure to distinguish distinct strata of variation is a common source of error, both for design and for analysis. Valid treatment comparisons require replication at the level of whole treatment units. Points that require attention in analysing data and reporting results include: limitations in the design and in the data; evidence of appropriate checks; the tying of statistical evidence to biologically meaningful questions; translation of results back into subject matter terms; and lucid presentation. Analyses must reflect the structure of the data; t...
机译:摘要陈述问题为评论统计学在应用生物学研究中的作用提供了一个视角。需要实验布局的完整细节以及选择设计的原因。有效设计的收益可能包括:改进的精度和清晰的结果;降低成本和/或努力;不能提供令人满意的设计的信息;以及有助于计划进一步实验的线索。无论是设计还是分析,都无法区分不同的变化层次,这是导致错误的常见原因。有效的治疗比较需要在整个治疗单位水平上进行重复。在分析数据和报告结果时需要注意的点包括:设计和数据的局限性;适当检查的证据;统计证据与生物学上有意义的问题的联系;将结果转换回主题术语;和清晰的演示。分析必须反映数据的结构; t ...



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