首页> 外文期刊>New Zealand journal of agricultural research >Tissue responsiveness and sensitivity to insulin in sheep fed plantain and orchardgrass and exposed to cold

Tissue responsiveness and sensitivity to insulin in sheep fed plantain and orchardgrass and exposed to cold




Abstract To assess the effect on insulin action of feeding a forage herb to sheep exposed to a cold environment, eight sheep were fed either plantain (PL), a forage herb, or orchardgrass (OR), a forage. A hyperinsulinaemic euglycaemic clamp procedure was applied to determine tissue responsiveness and sensitivity to insulin in both the thermoneutral (20°C) and cold (0–4°C) environments. For the glucose clamp procedure, insulin was infused over four sequential 2‐h periods at rates of 0.64, 1.6, 4.0, and 10 mU kg‐0.75 body weight min?1 and glucose was infused at variable rates to maintain euglycaemia. The maximal glucose infusion rate (tissue responsiveness to insulin) was greater (P = 0.04) for the PL diet than for the OR diet, and was enhanced (P = 0.001) during cold exposure. The plasma insulin concentration at half maximal glucose infusion rate (tissue sensitivity to insulin) was influenced by neither diet nor environment. No significant diet by environment interaction was observed for these variables. I...
机译:摘要为评估向寒冷环境下的绵羊饲喂饲草饲料对胰岛素作用的影响,向八只绵羊饲喂饲草(车前草)或饲草果园(OR)。应用高胰岛素正常血糖钳夹程序确定在热中性(20°C)和寒冷(0–4°C)环境下组织对胰岛素的反应性和敏感性。对于葡萄糖钳夹程序,在连续两个2小时内以0.64、1.6、4.0和10 mU kg-0.75体重min?1的速率输注胰岛素,并以可变速率输注葡萄糖以维持正常血糖水平。 PL饮食的最大葡萄糖输注速率(对胰岛素的组织反应性)大于OR饮食(P = 0.04),并且在冷暴露过程中有所提高(P = 0.001)。在最大葡萄糖输注速率的一半(组织对胰岛素的敏感性)下,血浆胰岛素浓度不受饮食和环境的影响。对于这些变量,没有观察到通过环境相互作用引起的显着饮食。一世...



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