首页> 外文期刊>New Zealand journal of agricultural research >Tall wheatgrass (Thinopyrumponticum (Podp.) Z.W. Liu + R.R.C. Wang): A neglected resource in Australian pasture

Tall wheatgrass (Thinopyrumponticum (Podp.) Z.W. Liu + R.R.C. Wang): A neglected resource in Australian pasture

机译:高大的小麦草(Thinopyrumponticum(Podp。)L.Z.W。Liu + R.R.C. Wang):澳大利亚牧场中被忽视的资源



Abstract Tall wheatgrass, Thinopyrum ponticum, is a perennial grass that is widely sown on saline land for grazing and soil conservation. However, the true potential of the species is seldom realised, because tall wheatgrass is truly a neglected resource. Once sown the grass is often subjected to very poor grazing management, if it is grazed at all. Tall wheatgrass has received little attention from researchers, to the extent that some 40 years after the introduction of the species to Australia, recommendations on the management of tall wheatgrass swards for persistence and productivity are still incomplete. This will remain so until more research into the basic agronomy and animal production potential oftall wheatgrass is completed. This short review summarises changes to the taxonomy of tall wheatgrass, the historical use of tall wheatgrass in Australia, recent agronomic research, and its animal production potential. The review also identifies some priorities for further research.
机译:摘要高矮的小麦草(Thinopyrum ponticum)是多年生草,广泛播种在盐碱地上,用于放牧和保护土壤。然而,由于高大的小麦草确实是一种被忽视的资源,因此几乎没有意识到该物种的真正潜力。一旦被播种,草一旦被放牧,常常会遭受非常差的放牧管理。高矮的草丛几乎没有受到研究人员的关注,因为在引入该品种约40年之后,关于高草丛的持久性和生产力的管理建议仍不完善。这种情况将一直保持下去,直到完成对高小麦草的基本农学和动物生产潜力的更多研究为止。这篇简短的综述总结了高麦草分类法的变化,澳大利亚高麦草的历史用途,近期的农艺学研究及其动物生产潜力。审查还确定了一些需要进一步研究的优先事项。



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