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Black Pete, “Smug Ignorance,” and the Value of the Black Body in Postcolonial Netherlands




This article discusses the controversies over the blackface figure Black Pete (Zwarte Piet)—central to the popular Dutch Saint Nicholas holiday tradition—and the public uproar surrounding the Saint Nicholas feast in 2013. It combines history, social theory, and patchwork ethnography, and draws on theoretical approaches discussing race, capitalism, and the commodification of cultural difference to establish an understanding of the controversial character. In doing so, it argues that Black Pete is an invented tradition that marks a “white Dutch habitus” in which the historical context of colonialism and the legacy of slavery is repeatedly ignored or denied.
机译:本文讨论了围绕黑人人物“黑人皮特(Zwarte Piet)”的争议,而黑人皮特(Zwarte Piet)则是受欢迎的荷兰圣尼古拉斯度假传统的中心,并在2013年围绕圣尼古拉斯盛宴引起了轩然大波。它结合了历史,社会理论和拼凑的民族志利用讨论种族,资本主义和文化差异商品化的理论方法来建立对有争议特征的理解。这样做,它认为黑人皮特是一种发明的传统,标志着一种“荷兰白人习性”,在该习俗中,殖民主义的历史背景和奴隶制的遗留一再被忽略或否认。



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