首页> 外文期刊>New West Indian Guide >The Suppression of Leonard Howell in Late Colonial Jamaica, 1932-1954

The Suppression of Leonard Howell in Late Colonial Jamaica, 1932-1954




Abstract This article is about Leonard Percival Howell, the man who is widely regarded as the founder of the Rastafari movement, which started in Jamaica in 1932. The article focuses on the attempts to suppress Howell during the foundational phase of the Rastafari movement from 1932 to 1954. This was the period in which Howell began preaching the divinity of Haile Selassie I, who was crowned the emperor of Ethiopia in 1930. In 1937, Howell established the friendly organization known as the Ethiopian Salvation Society, and in 1940 started the first Rastafari community in the hills of the parish of St. Catherine, Jamaica. These and his other religio-political activities made Howell the target of one of the longest and most aggressive campaigns to suppress an anticolonial activist during the late colonial period in Jamaica. However, one of the main points of this article is that the attempts to suppress Howell, who was seen by the colonial government as seditious, implicated not just the colonial regime, but also a number of other opponents within the society. This article is an attempt to show that Howell’s suppression was not exclusively a colonial endeavor, but a society-wide campaign to undermine his leadership in order to disband the Rastafari movement. Howell advocated an anticolonialism that was seen as too revolutionary by every participant in the campaign to suppress him and his movement, and particularly aggravating was the notion that a black monarch was the fulfillment of biblical prophecy, and whose ascension signaled the start of black nationalism as a global liberation movement to end white rule over Africans and people of African descent.
机译:摘要本文介绍的是伦纳德·佩西瓦尔·豪威尔(Leonard Percival Howell),该人被广泛认为是拉斯塔法里运动的创始人,该运动始于1932年在牙买加。该文章侧重于在1932年至1932年拉斯塔法里运动的基础阶段镇压豪威尔的尝试1954年。在这段时期内,豪威尔开始宣扬海尔·塞拉西一世(Haile Selassie I)的神性,他于1930年被加冕为埃塞俄比亚皇帝。1937年,豪威尔建立了一个名为埃塞俄比亚救助协会的友好组织,并于1940年成立了第一家拉斯塔法里牙买加圣凯瑟琳教区丘陵地区的社区。这些和他的其他宗教政治活动使豪厄尔成为在牙买加殖民地后期晚期镇压反殖民主义者的最长久,最激进的运动之一。但是,本文的主要观点之一是,试图压制被殖民政府视为有煽动性的豪威尔的尝试不仅牵涉到殖民政权,而且还牵涉到社会中的许多反对派。本文旨在表明,豪威尔的镇压不仅仅是殖民地的努力,而是一场全社会范围的运动,旨在破坏他的领导才能,以瓦解拉斯塔法里运动。豪厄尔倡导一种反殖民主义,在竞选活动中每个参与者都认为它是革命性的,无法压制他和他的运动,尤其令人沮丧的是,黑人君主是圣经预言的实现,其提升标志着黑人民族主义的开始全球解放运动,以结束对非洲人和非洲人后裔的白人统治。



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