首页> 外文期刊>New West Indian Guide >A True Maverick: The Political Career of Dr. Oswald E. Anderson, 1919-1944*

A True Maverick: The Political Career of Dr. Oswald E. Anderson, 1919-1944*




Abstract This article examines the political career of the African-Jamaican Dr. Oswald E. Anderson from his entry into local politics in 1919 till his defeat in the first election under universal suffrage in 1944. It will demonstrate that Anderson differed from other black politicians at the time because of his criticism of Crown Colony government, commitment to the welfare of the masses, nationalist fervour and above all his outspokenness about racial discrimination. In addition to describing and explaining why Anderson was such a ‘true maverick’, the article will also demonstrate that Anderson was a highly ambiguous politician.
机译:摘要本文考察了非洲-牙买加人奥斯瓦尔德·安德森(Oswald E. Anderson)博士从1919年进入地方政治直到他在1944年普选下的第一次大选中失败的政治生涯。这将证明安德森与其他黑人政治家不同这段时间是因为他对王室殖民地政府的批评,对人民福祉的承诺,民族主义的热情,尤其是他对种族歧视的直言不讳。除了描述和解释安德森为何如此“特立独行”之外,本文还将证明安德森是一位高度模棱两可的政治家。



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