
Book reviews




A World Among these Islands: Essays on Literature, Race, and National Identity in Antillean America, by Roberto Márquez (reviewed by Peter Hulme) Caribbean Reasonings: The Thought of New World, The Quest for Decolonisation, edited by Brian Meeks & Norman Girvan (reviewed by Cary Fraser) Elusive Origins: The Enlightenment in the Modern Caribbean Historical Imagination, by Paul B. Miller (reviewed by Kerstin Oloff) Caribbean Perspectives on Modernity: Returning Medusa’s Gaze, by Maria Cristina Fumagalli (reviewed by Maureen Shay) Who Abolished Slavery: Slave Revolts and Abolitionism: A Debate with Jo?o Pedro Marques, edited by Seymour Drescher & Pieter C. Emmer, and Abolitionism and Imperialism in Britain, Africa, and the Atlantic, edited by Derek R . Peterson (reviewed by Claudius Fergus) The Mediterranean Apprenticeship of British Slavery, by Gustav Ungerer (reviewed by James Walvin) Children in Slavery through the Ages, edited by Gwyn Campbell, Suzanne Miers & Joseph C. Miller (reviewed by Indrani Chatterjee) The Invisible Hook: The Hidden Economics of Pirates, by Peter T. Leeson (reviewed by Kris Lane) Theorizing a Colonial Caribbean-Atlantic Imaginary: Sugar and Obeah, by Keith Sandiford (reviewed by Elaine Savory) Created in the West Indies: Caribbean Perspectives on V.S. Naipaul, edited by Jennifer Rahim & Barbara Lalla (reviewed by Supriya M. Nair) Thiefing Sugar: Eroticism between Women in Caribbean Literature, by Omise’eke Natasha Tinsley (reviewed by Lyndon K. Gill) Haiti Unbound: A Spiralist Challenge to the Postcolonial Canon, by Kaiama L. Glover (reviewed by Asselin Charles) Divergent Dictions: Contemporary Dominican Literature, by Néstor E. Rodríguez (reviewed by Dawn F. Stinchcomb) The Caribbean Short Story: Critical Perspectives, edited by Lucy Evans, Mark McWatt & Emma Smith (reviewed by Leah Rosenberg) Society of the Dead: Quita Manaquita and Palo Praise in Cuba, by Todd Ramón Ochoa (reviewed by Brian Brazeal) El Lector: A History of the Cigar Factory Reader, by Araceli Tinajero (reviewed by Juan José Baldrich) Blazing Cane: Sugar Communities, Class, and State Formation in Cuba, 1868-1959, by Gillian McGillivray (reviewed by Consuelo Naranjo Orovio) The Purposes of Paradise: U.S. Tourism and Empire in Cuba and Hawai’i, by Christine Skwiot (reviewed by Amalia L. Cabezas) A History of the Cuban Revolution, by Aviva Chomsky (reviewed by Michelle Chase) The Cubalogues: Beat Writers in Revolutionary Havana, by Todd F. Tietchen (reviewed by Stephen Fay) The Devil in the Details: Cuban Antislavery Narrative in the Postmodern Age, by Claudette M. Williams (reviewed by Gera Burton) Screening Cuba: Film Criticism as Political Performance during the Cold War, by Hector Amaya (reviewed by Ann Marie Stock) Perceptions of Cuba: Canadian and American Policies in Comparative Perspective, by Lana Wylie (reviewed by Julia Sagebien) Forging Diaspora: Afro-Cubans and African Americans in a World of Empire and Jim Crow, by Frank Andre Guridy (reviewed by Susan Greenbaum) The Irish in the Atlantic World, edited by David T. Gleeson (reviewed by Donald Harman Akenson) The Chinese in Latin America and the Caribbean, edited by Walton Look Lai & Tan Chee-Beng (reviewed by John Kuo Wei Tchen) The Island of One People: An Account of the History of the Jews of Jamaica, by Marilyn Delevante & Anthony Alberga (reviewed by Barry Stiefel) Creole Jews: Negotiating Community in Colonial Suriname, by Wieke Vink (reviewed by Aviva Ben-Ur) Only West Indians: Creole Nationalism in the British West Indies, by F.S.J. Ledgister (reviewed by Jerome Teelucksingh) Cultural DNA: Gender at the Root of Everyday Life in Rural Jamaica, by Diana J. Fox (reviewed by Jean Besson) Women in Grenadian History, 1783-1983, by Nicole Laurine Phillip (reviewed by Bernard Moitt) British-Controlled Trinidad and Venezuela: A History of Economic Interests and Subversions, 1830-1962, by Kelvin Singh (reviewed by Stephen G. Rabe) Export/Import Trends and Economic Development in Trinidad, 1919-1939, by Doddridge H.N. Alleyne (reviewed by Rita Pemberton) Post-Colonial Trinidad: An Ethnographic Journal, by Colin Clarke & Gillian Clarke (reviewed by Patricia van Leeuwaarde Moonsammy) Poverty in Haiti: Essays on Underdevelopment and Post Disaster Prospects, by Mats Lundahl (reviewed by Robert Fatton Jr.) From Douglass to Duvalier: U.S. African Americans, Haiti, and Pan Americanism, 1870-1964, by Millery Polyné (reviewed by Brenda Gayle Plummer) Haiti Rising: Haitian History, Culture and the Earthquake of 2010, edited by Martin Munro (reviewed by Jonna Knappenberger) Faith Makes Us Live: Surviving and Thriving in the Haitian Diaspora, by Margarita A. Mooney (reviewed by Rose-Marie Chierici) This Spot of Ground: Spiritual Baptists in Toronto, by Carol B. Duncan (reviewed by James Houk) Interroger les morts: Essai sur le dynamique politique des Noirs marrons ndjuka du Surinam et de la Guyane, by Jean-Yves Parris (reviewed by H.U.E. Thoden van Velzen & W. van Wete
机译:罗伯托·马克斯(RobertoMárquez)(彼得·赫尔姆(Peter Hulme)评论),《加勒比海推理:新大陆的思想,非殖民化的追求》,作者:布莱恩·米克斯(Brian Meeks)和诺曼·吉尔文(Norman Girvan)(保罗·米勒(Paul B. Miller)(凯斯特·奥洛夫(Kerstin Oloff)评论),《加勒比海关于现代性的观点:美杜莎的凝视归来》,玛丽亚·克里斯蒂娜·富马加利(Maureen Shay评论) :奴隶起义和废奴主义:与西奥·德雷舍和彼得·C·埃默尔合着的乔·佩德罗·马克斯的辩论,以及德里克·R编辑的英国,非洲和大西洋的废奴主义和帝国主义。彼得森(克劳迪乌斯·弗格斯(Claudius Fergus)评介)英国奴隶制的地中海学徒制,古斯塔夫·昂格(Gustav Ungerer)评述(詹姆斯·沃尔文(James Walvin)评述)古往今来的奴隶制儿童,格温·坎贝尔(Gwyn Campbell),苏珊娜·米尔斯(Suzanne Miers)和约瑟夫·米勒(Joseph C. Miller)编辑(英德拉尼·查特吉(Indrani Chatterjee)评述)挂钩:彼得·T·利森(Peter T. Leeson)的《隐藏的海盗经济学》(Kris Lane评论)对加勒比海-加勒比海的虚构理论:糖和欧贝(Keith Sandiford)(伊莱恩·萨沃里(Elaine Savory)评论)在西印度群岛:加勒比海地区对VS的观点奈保尔,由詹妮弗·拉希姆(Jennifer Rahim)和芭芭拉·拉拉(Barbara Lalla)编辑(Supriya M. Nair评论)《盗窃糖:加勒比海文学中的女性之间的性爱》,Omise'eke Natasha Tinsley(Lyndon K. Gill评价)海地无界:对后殖民主义的螺旋挑战佳能(Kaiama L. Glover)(阿瑟林·查尔斯(Asselin Charles)评论),《不同的领域:当代多米尼加文学》,内斯托尔·罗德里格斯(NéstorE.Rodríguez)(黎明·斯特金科姆(Dawn F. Stinchcomb)评论)《加勒比海的短篇小说:批评的观点》,露西·埃文斯(Lucy Evans),马克·麦克瓦特(Mark McWatt)和艾玛(Emma)编辑史密斯(由利亚·罗森伯格(Leah Rosenberg)审查)死者协会:古巴的奎塔·马纳奎塔(Quita Manaquita)和帕洛·普拉斯(Palo Praise),托德·拉蒙·奥乔亚(ToddRamónOchoa)(由布莱恩·布拉泽尔(Brian Brazeal)审查)《埃里克·莱克特:雪茄工厂的历史》,阿拉西里·廷纳杰罗(Araceli Tinajero)(由胡安·何塞·巴尔德里奇(JuanJoséBaldrich审查) )炽烈的甘蔗:1868-1959年,古巴的糖类社区,阶级和国家形成,由吉利安·麦吉利夫瑞(由Consuelo Naranjo Orovio审查)。天堂的目的:美国在古巴和夏威夷的旅游和帝国,克里斯汀·斯考特(Christine Skwiot,古巴革命的历史,阿维瓦·乔姆斯基(Amiva L. Cabezas)审阅(米歇尔·蔡斯(Michelle Chase)评论)《古巴语:革命性哈瓦那的击败作家》,托德·F·蒂彻根(斯蒂芬·费伊(Stephen Fay)评论)细节中的魔鬼:古巴后现代时代的反奴隶制叙事,克劳迪特·威廉姆斯(克拉拉·伯顿评论),放映古巴:冷战时​​期电影批评作为政治表演,赫克托·阿玛亚(安克烈·斯托克评论)古巴的看法:加拿大和美国的政策《比较视角》,拉娜·维利(Lana Wylie)(朱莉娅·萨基比恩(Julia Sagebien)评论),《锻造散居:帝国世界中的非洲裔古巴人和非裔美国人》和吉姆·克劳(Frank Andre Guridy,苏珊·格林鲍姆(Susan Greenbaum)评论)大西洋中的爱尔兰人,大卫T.格里森(唐纳德·哈曼·阿肯森(Donald Harman Akenson)评介)拉美和加勒比海地区的华人,沃尔顿·莱·赖(Walton Look Lai)和谭哲本(Tan Chee-Beng)编着(约翰·郭为琛(John Kuo Wei Tchen)评介)一个人的岛屿:t历史的记述牙买加的犹太人,作者:玛丽莲·德列万特(Marilyn Delevante)和安东尼·阿尔贝加(Anthony Alberga)(巴里·斯蒂芬(Barry Stiefel)评论),克里奥尔人的犹太人:苏里南殖民地的谈判社区,维克·温克(Wieke Vink,评论者,艾维瓦·本·乌尔(Aviva Ben-Ur)评论),仅西印度人:英属西印度群岛的克里奥尔民族主义,作者: FSJ莱吉斯特(Jerome Teelucksingh审查)文化DNA:牙买加农村地区日常生活中的性别,戴安娜·J·福克斯(Diana J. Fox)(让·贝森(Jean Besson)审查)格林纳丁斯历史上的妇女,1783-1983年,妮可·劳里恩·菲利普(Nicole Laurine Phillip)审查(伯纳德·莫伊特(Bernard Moitt)审查) )英国控制的特立尼达和委内瑞拉:经济利益和颠覆历史,1830-1962年,开尔文·辛格(由史蒂芬·G·拉贝(Stephen G.Rabe撰写)回顾)特立尼达的进出口趋势和经济发展,1919-1939年,多德里奇·汉·阿莱恩(Doddridge HN Alleyne)(殖民地特立尼达后:民族志杂志,科林·克拉克(Colin Clarke)和吉利安·克拉克(Gillian Clarke)(Patricia van Leeuwaarde Moonsammy审查)海地的贫困:关于发展不足和灾后前景的论文,马茨·伦达尔(Mats Lundahl)评论(罗伯特·法顿(Robert Fatton Jr. )从道格拉斯到杜瓦利埃:美国黑人,海地和泛美主义,1870年至1964年,米勒·波利内(MilleryPolyné)(布伦达·盖伊·普勒默(Brenda Gayle Plummer)评论)海地崛起:2010年海地历史,文化和地震,马丁(Martin)编辑蒙罗(Jonna Knappenberger审查)《信念使我们活着:在海地侨民中生存和繁荣》,玛格丽塔·A·穆尼(Margarita A. Mooney)(罗斯·玛丽·基里奇(Rose-Marie Chierici)审查)。景点:多伦多的精神浸信会,卡罗尔·B·邓肯(Carol B. Duncan)詹姆士·霍克(James Houk)的《凡人权利》:朝圣者的朝圣之力和圭亚那之夜索登·范·维尔岑(Thoden van Velzen)和范·韦特(W.van Wete)



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